Chapter 25

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Since the kidnapping that Pen and Eloise had gone through, Colin believed that he would never have to go through a situation as worrying as that, that he had already filled the ceiling, because life was only going to be flowers and simple paths, that any Difficulty with his wife was going to be like child's play, but it was the moment Pen collapsed in his arms that he knew the worst part had not come.

-Pen! -He shouted, but she didn't respond.

He adjusted his position to be able to lift her, when he lifted her felt a great weight in his arms, much more significant than what had thought since the last time he lifted her, but not because she had considerably increased her weight, because she was passed out, she weighed twice as much. He managed to shout to Mr. Cornelius that he will call the doctor immediately. He went up the stairs with her, his heart beating in the mouth, when he got to the room left her on the bed, his lungs couldn't find the air to breathe, "focus" he told himself.

He looked at Pen, she was breathing but she was not regaining consciousness, so Colin began to undress her, "it must be the corset" he thought, luckily Pen was not wearing it, but he saw blood on her crotch, it wasn't much, but it was enough so that Colin will think the worst.

A woman entered the room, Colin didn't even turn to look at her, because he was so worried that decorum and being friendly were the least important. That young woman gave Colin a cloth with alcohol, he put it on Penelope's face, but his wife did not react.

-Pen? -he told him softly.

He patted her rosy cheeks, trying to wake up his beautiful wife.

"Go and ask Cornelius if he've called the doctor yet," he said.

The young woman nodded and left the room.

-Colin? -Penelope said, stopping the tapping with her hands, she still had her eyes closed.

-Pen wake up, are you okay? -Told him

"Colin, let me sleep," Penelope growled.

-Pen, you're bleeding.

His wife's eyes widened, she got up quickly to look at the blood stain, it was nothing more than what she had seen when had her period, but she was supposed to be pregnant, so bleeding was not expected.

- Did I hit myself with something? - Pen tried to find logic in the situation, it couldn't be that the doctor had made a mistake, because she had felt movement in the lower area of ​​her abdomen. Had she lost her baby?

-No, when you collapsed you fell directly into my arms and I didn't let you fall -Colin caressed her face, more to calm him down than her.

-Colin, what if I lost it? -Pen started to sob.

-The doctor is on his way, I hope it is normal, I have never asked my mother about her pregnancies, but I suppose they all come with their mishaps. "There are even women who die giving birth" he thought.

The thought of living without his Penelope filled his mind with terrible images, tears began to come out, it had never occurred to him that having children with the love of his life could lead him to lose her, after all he had seven siblings. But seeing her there so fragile made him doubt, did he really want so many children? Because if she was going to risk her life every time. Better they would just have the one she already carried inside her body.

For her part, when Pen saw Colin crying, she thought she had already lost her baby. What would happen if she couldn't give Colin children? It is assumed that the only destiny for a woman is to provide children for her husband and if she couldn't. Would Colin still love her?

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