Chapter 9

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Pen had gone up to her room without greeting anyone and good thing because when she saw herself in the mirror she was a mess, but even she couldn't deny that she looked beautiful.

Everything had seemed like a dream, but her reflected image confirmed that everything had been true, she asked her camera assistant to prepare a bath for her.That night Penelope Featherington had slept like never before, this time with a smile.The following day Pen have breakfast with her family like every morning.

-Mr. Jones invited us to a picnic at ten in the morning, are you going, dear niece- asked Mrs. Featherington.

-I prefer to stay home, but you guys enjoy the day, both are essential for Mr. Jones-Penelope winked at her cousin and she giggled.

-He is a good man and I know he will make my Felicity very happy -Penelope and her cousin were surprised- I don't know why they are surprised, I was young too. What worries me is the dowry, I don't know how much he will ask of me and you already know that the maintenance of this house is not cheap, and the businesses that your late father... -she take Felicity's arm -...he left us They barely keep us afloat.

Penelope felt terrible for being there without giving anything in return, she had never imagined that the situation was so bad, they had been too kind and generous, so she had not imagined that it could be inconvenient since it was one more mouth to feed, so it was best to take Colin's word and travel to London as soon as possible. Pen was in the living room thinking about giving money from her pseudonym to her aunt without it being suspicious when a servant announced Colin. She invited him to continue and asked to be served lemonade and some cookies. The third Bridgerton entered the living room and looked around, Penelope was alone in that room, she looked like a perfectly painted painting, the servant entered with the lemonade and cookies and then left. Colin wanted to jump in and kiss her but saw her very seriously.

-what's the matter? -Colin asked worried.

-I should travel to London this Saturday like you said.

-But that's excellent news, why you are so serious? He caressed her face and sat in front of her.

-My aunt probably doesn't have enough money to pay Felicity's dowry and I'm here being a nuisance.

-Honey, I am sure you are not a hindrance to your family, they are delighted to have you here. If that bothers you, I'll pay your cousin's dowry, as long as you change that little face.- She gave him a caress.

-But wouldn't it be strange?

-Why? I am going to be your husband and she is your cousin, that is what decorum dictates for being the man of the family.

Penelope felt her heart warm, how she loved that man, and then remembered the other thing that worried her.

-Colin, I can only get married or let you court me after first telling you something that may change your intentions.

Colin looked at her worried, what could be so severe.

-What is it? he said seriously

Penelope took a deep breath.

-I'm Lady Whistledown

Colin froze, at first he hadn't believed her, but then it started to make sense, the fight with Eloise, Marina's pamphlet, Eloise's pamphlet , even his, he felt betrayed but then he looked up and saw the worried eyes of Penelope. Lady Whistledown never lied. He remember the pamphlet about the words spoken by him at the Featherington ball. The columnist had written that she would never get married, he could imagine the pain she felt that night when writing those words.

-Eloise found out on the night of the dance, right?

-Yes, I said something I had written, she went to my room and messed up everything, she even damaged some letters that my dad had sent me as a child -Pen cry- no -Colin hugged her- Pen had not spoken to anyone about what had happened in her room, Eloise had damaged many things in her path, not just her friendship.

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