Chapter 38

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The Bridgertons arrived at Audrey Hall on Friday afternoon, the ladies were tired of all the hustle and bustle not to mention the heir of the surname who, being so small, did not have such a good time on the way to Kent. It was not the case with Thomas that he enjoyed the trip, between laughter and naps in the arms of his parents.

"It must be my travel gene," Colin declared proudly.

Everyone was at the door of the house.

"Well, ladies, you can settle down, while we go to the Crane mansion," Anthony warned.

The siblings said goodbye, including little Gregory who was not persuaded otherwise by his mother, despite being only fifteen years old, he believed that he was already mature enough to defend his older sister's honor.

Penelope had Thomas in her arms when she entered the house, she thought she would see Eloise in the living room but wasn't there.

Was it possible that El wasn't in the mansion? She said to herself. Kate followed her with little Anthony.

"I thought we'd see her here," Kate said.

"Me too," Pen answered.

-I'm going to settle us in

-see you later.

Pen went up to the rooms, she opened Eloise's room but there was no one in it, she decided to rest a little, so she went to her room, put Thomas on the bed, checked the diaper had to change, the servant left her the things aside and went out, was focused on cleaning Thomas when heard the door close and lock, she looked cautiously in lioness mode protecting her son.

"Sorry for scaring you, I didn't want to deal with my family," Eloise smiled nervously.

-I'm not your family? -Pen blurted out with a threatening tone.

El saw her best friend with colors on her face, she looked at the bed and there was her nephew moving his body, she was excited to see them alive and started to cry, she walked towards her friend and hugged her with all her strength.

-Oh Pen I was petrified, I thought I had lost you.

Lady Featherington hugged her back, but was still angry with her sister-in-law.

"I'm fine," Pen said while stroking her hair.

Releasing the hug, Pen turned back to her son who was peeing without the cloth diaper, so the urine threatened to wet the ladies.

-oh my god, this is how you greet your favorite aunt.

"For now his favorite aunt is Kate, because you defamed his father nationally," Pen reprimanded.

Eloise's eyes widened.

-You're going to reprimand me for that! After what you wrote about Theo? -Eloise raised her voice

-The queen was threatening to hang you, and I didn't put Theo's name in the pamphlet so only those who knew you knew, besides what you wrote about Colin were all lies, he never wanted the title, in fact he begged so much that first came the girl, he doesn't even mind being called Lord Featherington! He is a man Eloise, it is normal for me to adopt his last name not the other way around, and has my husband ever complained? No!

Eloise felt terrible, listening to her friend, she saw her changing her nephew's cloth diaper.

-Truly, my brother married way above his level, there is no other lady for him better than you.

Penelope looked at her, she knew she was manipulating her, but it worked.

-Don't try to fix it with flattery, you should apologize to him.

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