Chapter 17

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Benedict and Eloise were quite surprised to see how passionate the couple was, Eloise for her part was curious about how it would feel and Benedict was envious.

They were both waiting in the library, Eloise with too many questions.

-Is that how babies are made?

Benedict looked at her in disapproval.

-I can ask them- she said.

-You are a bit impertinent sister, but if you want to know, what you saw is a preamble, to make babies, more physical contact is needed.

Eloise did not understand that more physical contact was needed, when they saw the scene, it was unknown where one began and the other ended. She was going to ask something else, but the couple entered the library. They both sat together on the couch.

-I hope it's important- he said

-If you want, we can focus on talking about what Eloise and I just saw, because you lovebirds are not married yet, nor are you even publicly engaged- Benedict scolded.

-I preferred not to talk about that- Pen added.

-Well, we're here to talk about something delicate- Ben continued- I must add that Eloise didn't tell me anything.

Colin and Pen looked at each other scared.

-When will you tell me about Miss Penelope's secret?- Benedict scolded.

-what secret? -Colin dissimulation

-He knows- Eloise added.

-how? -Pen said.

-The day you leave the pamphlet to Genevieve, I was there. She tried to hide it but coincidentally two days later the last pamphlet was published. That was an indication you told her: "send it two days after I leave for Scotland."

-So that was your source- Colin said, understanding everything.

-Yes, the source was me. Because Genevieve didn't tell me anything. when I asked her about it she denied everything, she said something about some of your dresses. But everything clicked when you came down from the tree at Featherington House.

-what tree? -said Eloise.

Colin and Penelope blushed. Benedict understood that it was better to skip that part.

-What matters was that I followed you little brother, I didn't understand why you were in that part of the city, I didn't know it was a printing press until I came in after you left. What I mean by this is that you must be more careful, in all aspects that have to do with your relationship, because if our mother had been in our place, this would be a scolding and she would be forcing you to get married for the end of this week. And with the other thing, if I saw you Colin, anyone could have done the same. Now that Penelope is the sapphire, you are more exposed to the public eye, so it is best that I take care of the deliveries.

-I wouldn't want to involve anyone else- Penelope said.

-Dear sister-in-law, you are going to marry my clumsy brother, this is the least we can do for you. -Benedict mocked.

-Ha ha-said Colin- how funny but thank you, you're right now there are going to be more people looking out for us, so it's for the best.

-but Colin...

-In our family we take care of each other Pen -Eloise interrupted- and you free us from this burden, we owe it to you.

-you are making it seem like Colin is a burden, I don't think I want him anymore- Pen mocked.

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