Chapter 56

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The big day had arrived, when they would begin to sell Lord Featherington's first book. His entire family was present, including his nephews. Colin's hands were sweating because he was so nervous; the appointment was at the largest bookstore in London.

-Lord Featherington, how do you feel? - the owner of the publishing house asked him.

- If I'm honest, I feel a little nervous, Mr. Davies.

The man laughed and hit him on the back.

- There is no reason, we promoted the book throughout London, we even managed to hand out the invitation to this event for free with the Viscount, with Lady Whistledown's pamphlets, your brother is brilliant if I may comment.

- Yes - Colin smiled nervously.

- How is London's most famous writer?

Penelope approached her husband's back, trying to hug him but her already growing belly did not allow it, Colin took Thomas from her arms.

- much better, since you are here.

He gave her a small kiss.

- We've all arrived, and the others are outside to attract more people.

The appointment was at four in the afternoon, it was three thirty. The library was so full that Mr. Davies did not let any more people in, he also sent a note so that the printing press would start with another two hundred copies.

- Good night - the whole room began to laugh, Colin too - it was to get your attention - he smiled with his now famous smile - Good afternoon, welcome to the publication of my first book.

Everyone present began to applaud.

- Many of you have asked me about my trips and it seemed to me that it was a necessity that you would experience it in first person, for many, the hustle and bustle of life prevents us from having specific experiences, I can testify that, I am married and we are already on our way to our Second child.

Everyone applauded Penelope, who looked radiant.

- a special person for me, told me that we should allow ourselves those small moments to daydream -  look at his wife smiling - I hope that is our book for you, I also want to mention that none of this would be possible without my beautiful wife, who Not only does it make me the happiest gentleman in the world just by existing; She made my life complete and I'm not saying that because she made me a baron.

Everyone present laughed.

- if not because gave me my son Thomas, and our baby who is on the way; You don't know how I would love for you to receive the credit you deserve. Today I not only want to celebrate our success, I will also praise you.

Everyone had their champagne, Colin had greeted so many people and signed so many copies that he didn't know how many books they had sold, when the event ended, he saw Mr. Davies arrive with a worried face.

All the Bridgertons, by marriage and blood, were concerned when they saw the gentleman's expression.

- Lord Featherington, I have bad news for you.

Everyone remained silent, and Colin's hands began to sweat again.

- there was no copy left for your family! Everything was sold, when I saw the reception I immediately ordered more to be printed, as the viscount and I had already foreseen this situation, we went ahead and another two hundred books will be delivered in ten days, we already have eighty set aside so I must tell you with great fervor that your book is a success!

Everyone celebrated with shouts and applause.

- We should have anticipated this to give a dance - Violet complained.

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