Chapter 6

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It was the sixth time in three weeks that he had been guided to a young lady very similar to his Pen, he had already covered a large part of Scotland, only the islands and a small part were missing. But he didn't want to get his hopes up, because he had already gotten his hopes up six times and they hadn't gotten him anywhere.

Usually Colin enjoyed traveling, but this was becoming a penance, he continually wrote to Benedict in case Penelope appeared in London, but the response was always negative. The second of the Bridgertons who threatened him, he told him that he would only respond to a letter when Penelope saw the light in London.

Colin wondered several times if all the work was worth it, but just imagining that Penelope could be meeting her future husband right that moment, gave him the energy to continue.

-you found it? -Mr. Brown said, Colin's friend

-No, another clue that leads to nothing- Colin answered frustratedly

as he spread out on the sofa.

-Are you completely sure she is in Scotland?

- My brother assured me that his source was reliable, It must be something we need to see.

-What do you mean?- his friend said confused.

-Well, no one saw her at the dock, but in the town many have seen similar girls, and if she never arrived at the port?

- Are you referring to the ship sinking?

- No! - Colin felt his stomach clench just thinking about it. just having the image something had happened to Penelope - I don't mean - his thoughts trying to make sense of it - and yes, if something happened to her?

- but your family would have already told you in the letters - Colin looked at him strangely

- about the death of your friend .

-No! -Colin took a deep breath, it seemed that Pen's health mattered too much to him, because he even felt a little dizzy- That's it! It is the first time that Pen traveled so far, if she was so dizzy that...

- she had fainted before reaching port someone would have taken her down in her arms - Mr. Brown continued

- exactly,

The friends ate together at the inn, and when they finished, they went to their room. Colin burned the sheet with the addresses of the supposed Penelopes, now he did have a lead to follow.

Colin was at a costume party, his brothers Anthony and Benedict had only put on a mask and a suit clearly bad costumes . He had something yellow on for his part, but he couldn't identify what he was disguised as. In the distance, he could see Penelope, she was beautiful, had a dark blue and purple dress, and looked like the moon. He didn't hesitate a second, he addressed her.

-You are the moon, right? -Colin whispered in her ear.

-Of course, honey, and you are my sunshine.- She grabbed him from his costume and pulled him towards her, giving him a small kiss on her lips.

Colin was shocked, Penelope had kissed him in front of all the people who were at that dance, he looked around to check who had seen them, but there was no one around, there were only the two of them.

-Who are you looking for? - Pen smiled

- you - Colin answered, taking off her mask, but there was something about Pen that left him frozen, it was not the Penelope that he had seen a little over a month ago, she was more mature.

-You already found me.

Penelope jumped on his neck, raising her legs hugging Colin's body, he instinctively held her legs with his hands, she kissed him. That Pen knew what she was doing, it had only been a few seconds since Colin's need had been awakened. He really needed her, he could feel her lips, her tongue, her heat, he felt her body harden.

He found a piece of furniture and sat her there, he took off his mask, there was just a mirror in which he observed his reflection, but this time it was not Colin Bridgerton, his thought was of another man that he could not distinguish.

Colin woke up sweaty and disturbed. It was already daylight, Mr. Brown was trying to wake him up by knocking on the door.

-Colin it's me! Are you awake yet?

-Yes -Colin looked at his still very hard member- give me a few minutes and I'll be down.


Penelope was more than happy in her life in Scotland, her aunt and cousin let her take the time alone that she requested, that afternoon instead of accompanying Felicity and Duchess Williams, she was in a beautiful park sunbathing while reading. a romance book, her maid was about seven meters away from her.

-such a beautiful lady should not be alone, she could be stolen. That man's voice resembled Colin's, so Penelope involuntarily felt an emptiness in her stomach.

-Don't be scared, miss,- that man continued, -I really think you're gorgeous, I don't know why I said the other thing- he said, smiling awkwardly.

-Is everything okay, sir?

-Williams, Charles Williams next Duke -the man tried to stand up straight but tripped on something invisible and almost lost his balance.

The next duke was a tall man, his eyes dark, blonde hair, handsome, with that face it was impossible to look into his eyes without getting lost in them.

-Lord Williams- Penelope greeted -my name is.

-Let me guess- he studied her with his eyes for a few seconds- Miss Penelope Featherington, right?"

Penelope was so surprised that her mouth hung open for more seconds than she cared to admit.

-how did youknow?

Lord Williams began to laugh softly, he turned 180 and pointed in the distance to his cousin next to another man, Felicity was greeting her fervently.

-I hope you didn't go to have tea with my mother today to avoid meeting me.

-Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact the Duchess had told us that you going to arrive two weeks ago, so we didn't know how long it would take.

It was a complete lie, Felicity had told her the night before that the next duke had arrived, the real reason why she didn't go was because she knew that her cousin had gotten her hopes up about the lord and she didn't want to interfere.

-That makes me very happy, miss, in fact we were going to eat some desserts, would you like to do us the honor of joining us.

-Of course, my lord.- Penelope took his arm and let herself be guided, but she told herself that as soon as she could, she would put a distance between them, because she didn't want to be another Marina Thompson for her dear cousin, who hadn't done anything. More than helping her get over Colin, Penelope signaled to his maid to return home, as she would not need a companion.

They arrived with the others, they introduced Mr. Jones, a loyal friend of the next Duke, a third brother, who was tall, but not as tall as Lord Williams, dark hair, sky blue eyes, with a very masculine face. The group headed to the dessert shop, the men talked about their trips and the ladies listened to their stories with great interest. When they took them home, the men were polite to the ladies.Penelope could be seen with Mr. Jones, although he did not have as much money as the Bridgertons, they could have a modest life in the country.

-You didn't think it was incredible- her cousin interrupted his thoughts.

-What a dear thing- her aunt responded.

-Mr. Jones, his father left them bankrupt but he and his brothers took out the little they had left and now they are a respectable family.

-Admirable- Penelope responded- but dear cousin, I don't understand, you didn't say that you were more interested in Lord Williams?

-That was before I met them, it's a bit clumsy -She giggle- I consider that the most important thing is what a man does with his fortune, even though it is tiny.

-I understand- said Penelope, it hadn't caught her much attention either, the future duke tended to be a little childish with his comments, but it couldn't be denied that from afar he was pretty imposing.

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