Chapter 30

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Colin panicked when Penelope told him her water broke, she was the one who called Cornelius to take care of everything since her husband was standing there like a statue.

A maid brought a glass of brandy so that the third Bridgerton could react at least to the taste. After working, Colin helped Penelope clean up to get everything ready.

Twenty-eight hours had passed, and the couple had not slept all night, not even in the morning, however the doctors had slept their eight hours in two guest rooms.

Pen had dilated very little, but the pains were growing in level of suffering, at first they were like small tugs, but now they felt like they were hitting her lungs and she would be left without air.

The whole family was having breakfast on the first floor, somewhat oblivious to what was happening in the main room, including Pen's older sister Phillipa who was there with her daughter and husband.

When the old doctor checked her, she was at seven, so it would take a couple more hours.

-Is there anything you can give her for the pain? -Colin asked.

-In this case, Mr. Bridgerton, we want her fully conscious to warn us if something goes wrong.

A midwife arrived, Violet had sent for her because she had a lot of experience in births, and since her inception with Hyacinth, she did not trust the doctors of the London aristocracy as much.

Listening to Pen's screams was a painful experience for Colin, not to mention helpless. Just rubbing her back and kissing her forehead didn't alleviate the pain. He was beginning to understand why many men preferred to wait outside. However, he would never dare abandon his wife.

For her part, Penelope had never felt so much pain in her life, at this point, the suffering was becoming more and more frequent. It only rested for five minutes and everything would start again.

She understood Kate's words, and at that moment she looked at her husband with hatred, each kiss on the forehead and massage on the back made the feeling of rage grow.

-your -Pen grunted in pain.

-what do you need? -Colin asked worried.

-Bridgerton you did this to me!!!!!

Penelope deep down knew that she adored her husband; she wanted him to understand that didn't mean it, but the Penelope who was enduring so much pain just wanted the third Bridgerton to get close enough so she could beat him to death.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Colin repeated.

-get out! -Penelope growled.

Colin's eyes widened, but he didn't dare disobey his wife, he started walking towards the door.

-Colin, where do you think you're going? -Penelope yelled at him

The third Bridgerton was so confused that he ran back, took his wife's hand, and gave her tender kisses.

"Well, it looks like we're ready," said the doctor, motioning to his colleague who left the room. Mrs. Bridgerton I need you to push with all your might, first take a deep breath and then push, okay.

Pen nodded, she really wanted all of this to be over. Violet entered the room, and took Penelope's other hand.


Penelope began to push, although she didn't know what pushing meant.

-Take a breath, Mrs. Bridgerton and push.

She squeezed with everything she could, didn't know if was hurting her mother-in-law or Colin, but she decided to focus on what was important.

-Breathe, don't hyperventilate. That's it, take a deep breath and push.

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