Chapter 52

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Thomas was still quite asleep and with good reason, because he had not let his father sleep the night before, it still seemed incredible to Colin that his wife was sleeping so soundly after all the crying and him pulling down her pajamas, leaving her breasts exposed and then rolled her to the side, placing his firstborn under her, so that he could drink milk from the unconscious Penelope.

However that hadn't worked as well as he thought because his son had filled with gas, which Colin had tried to get rid of, and Thomas had ended up throwing up in his pajamas. After he had changed, Colin left the room with his son on his arms, walking through the hallways of the second floor in the dark of the night, he began to sing to him, his firstborn fell asleep, then Colin tried to return to the room, but the baby woke up every time he crossed the door, the second Bridgerton eyes had already become accustomed to the darkness with the dim light that The moon was toasting.

It was the 10th time his son finally stayed asleep, he entered the main room, he was putting him down to put in the crib, but Thomas opened his eyes lazily, Lord Featherington picked him up again, sang in his ear this time to not to wake his wife, even though was sure could scream and she wouldn't wake up; sat on the bed, then lay on his back with the baby on him, then little by little he moved next to her to accommodate him between the two of them, until he managed to put him to sleep.

Finally the third Bridgerton closed his eyes and sleep took over him.

Colin stretched his arms and legs as soon as he woke up, Penelope was not in the room, so he got up slowly to avoid morning sickness, did not feel as bad as on other occasions, and placed pillows on his side of the bed in case Thomas rolled over since he was already at that stage.

He didn't feel like taking a bath, so changed his clothes to go out, because he had to accompany Penelope to meet her doctors. Did everything slowly. When he finally finished, looked at the bed and was shocked to see his son lying there at the edge of the bed, he made a big jump to grab him.

- It's too early for you to test your father's skills - his firstborn only smiled

Colin smelled coming from Thomas, he opened the door to see if Penelope was nearby, he heard someone sick, he approached the bathroom, and knocked on the door.

- love is that you?

- Colin do not come in...

And he wasn't going to do it, he could barely stand the smell of his son, so knew had no choice, he had to change him. He returned to the room, put everything he needed aside, including one of his ties, smeared it with powder, shook the tie to get rid of the excess and then covered his nose with it.

He took a deep breath of air, he knew had to do things quickly, opened the diaper, cleaned everything dirty he saw, grabbed the clean diaper, put it on, made a ball with the dirty diaper and the pajamas, threw it away, put out the clean clothes. Seeing that he had finished in record time he felt proud. He picked up his son who now smelled delicious, and took a deep breath, smiling. Then he rang the bell.

- Let's see how your mom is doing.

The two reached the bathroom door. Colin knocked on the door.

- Pen, how are you doing?

- better.

- My lord,do you need something, Cornelius told him.

- Could you send someone to pick up Thomas' dirty clothes, also offer my apologies first, because I had to throw them on the floor.

- I understand my lord, anything else?

- Pen woke up this bad?

- not my lord, after she had breakfast.

From fantasy to reality a Polin historyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon