Chapter 28

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Penelope was quite angry when Colin accompanied them to the dining room. He sat next to his wife, that particular day he was pretty hungry.

There was no comment, the atmosphere was so dense that the third Bridgerton did not want to break it because if his wife had been offended somehow, he would not be intercede for his in-laws.

When the four of them finished breakfast, Colin picked up his wife as if lifting a feather, and went up the stairs, with some effort, but he did not make any of the three ladies notice. Then he entered his room, which was already prepared, with his wife still in his arms, sat Pen on the most comfortable sofa, then pointed out the other chairs to the ladies, and left them alone while bringing a chair for him. When was returning he heard Portia calling him attention to his wife.

-Why do you make him carry you? Do you want him to think you're good for nothing?

Colin's blood temperature rose with rage. That was not the way to talk to his wife.

He entered the room with a clear throat in his voice, then put his chair next to the sofa, sat down while smiling coldly at his in-laws.

"You don't need to accompany us, Mr. Bridgerton, I know that a gentleman like you has many commitments to attend to," Portia told him.

-Nothing that can't wait- Colin took his wife's hand with a little force, she smiled.

-Lady Bridgerton told us that you were in somewhat poor health, but I see you as usual -Prudence added- a little bit of weight gain, which is not abnormal for you.

"That's because she's pregnant," Colin said through clenched teeth.

-You should at least walk, so you don't gain so much weight, your sister Phillipa recovered her figure just four months after having my granddaughter.

Penelope's body is perfect Colin thought.

-she looks good. -Colin said

Prudence giggled, covering her mouth to conceal it.

-With all due respect, Mr. Bridgerton. Penelope, what your sister wants to say is that you married far above your level, at least you should take care of your marriage, we don't want your husband to get tired of you.

Colin couldn't tolerate this lack of respect anymore, if they had been men he would have punched each of them. But since they were women, he alone got up.

-Ladies, I'm afraid this visit has ended, please leave.

-I don't understand why you're throwing us out, I'm just looking out for the interests of my daughter and my grandson, I'm worried, I know very well that you only married her because of what you said at the dance last year. I don't want to see her thrown away again.

After that explanation he didn't know what to say. He had always thought he had to convince Penelope that his feelings were real. But now he saw the two reasons, maybe three if he count Phillipa, why Pen didn't believe him in the past.

-Lady Featherington if what worries you is the supposed lack of love to your daughter because of what happened last year. I assuredly, when I hurriedly asked for Pen's hand, I was only obeying the jealousy I felt when you told me that she - she pointed to Pen - was going to marry someone else. After that mishap, I have had no doubt that I love Penelope just the way she is - Colin's voice was raised with every word - she shouldn't make any physical effort because she has a high-risk pregnancy, It's not because of laziness. So if you come to this house to give her a bad time, refrain from it.

Portia had her mouth open, it took her a couple of seconds to react, she looked at her daughter sitting on the couch. She already knew she was pregnant, but hadn't noticed that she was paler than usual. So she bowed to Colin and motioned for her eldest daughter to join.

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