Chapter 32

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Penelope felt like her head was throbbing, everything hurt, and she could barely feel her left arm.

-Colin? -she called him again.

When she could open her eyes she glimpsed the silhouette of her husband who was carrying something, her eyes were glassy, ​​ saw that Colin was moving his mouth but she did not listen to what he was telling her. She tried to get comfortable with her body because her position was too uncomfortable, but her husband shook her head.

"Don't move," she can hear him.

She obeyed how long was I asleep? she asked herself.

A young man she didn't recognize appeared in front of her face.

-Lady Featherington please follow the movement of my finger.

She obeyed

-very good, now tried to move your right leg -she obeyed - now the left -she did it- well, I raised both arms.

They weighed Penelope without mentioning the pain, but she was able to obey, then the doctor asked her to push her hands. Then he started to check her private parts. She felt very uncomfortable, she looked at Colin who looked at her with a smile.

-Everything is very well Lady Featherington, I'm going to leave you alone for a moment, your family is impatient.

That man smiled at her and left the room.

-Colin, why did that man keep calling me Lady Featherington?

He rolled his eyes.

-You should thank Eloise for telling everyone about your mother's arrangement with your cousin.



-Oh no. And how long have I been asleep?

-We slept simultaneously, only I woke up this morning.

-Why were you asleep, did you donate blood to me?

-It turns out we are not as compatible as I thought, according to what your mother told me. All the Featheringtons except your sister Phillipa, Simon and the Prince of Prussia are running through your veins right now.

Penelope felt dizzy, that meant her aunt and cousin had also helped her.

-Then why were you asleep?

Colin smiled.

-a nervous breakdown, it turns out we can't live without you.



Colin approached and handed her, Thomas who was sleeping peacefully.

-oh, my God! -said Pen- Colin we are parents!

He nodded with a big smile.

-Next time my body will know what to do, and it will be easier.

-Pen, I don't want more kids.

They both heard the doors opening, interrupting their conversation, and the whole family entered after them. Pen tried to get comfortable but the pain reminded her that her body was numb.

"What a scare you gave us, Penelope," Portia said.

"Luckily everyone was able to help," said Violet.

Penelope saw her mother, Prudence, Felicity, her aunt, and the duke all wearing the same bandage on the back of their elbow. She was so moved that tears rolled down her eyes, then she saw her son. She couldn't be happier.

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