Chapter 24

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-what? - the couple said in unison.

-Mrs. Bridgerton is pregnant, I suspect she is in her second or third week, so Mr. Bridgerton's discomfort may continue for the rest of the first quarter. I recommend having a light dinner, avoiding strong smells, so that the morning sickness does not bothers you so much- said the doctor.

-I don't understand, doctor, what does my pregnancy have to do with my husband's discomfort?

-It is not something familiar in aristocratic marriages, but in people of lower economic level, these cases are seen, Mr. Bridgerton is healthy, the servants told me that in the afternoon he felt better, so it is the only logical answer, Looks like you two are connected; If something changes, you can call me again, the old man said before leaving.

After escorting the doctor to the door, Pen returned to the room and sat beside her husband, who was still looking pale.

-you are pregnant! -Colin said with emotion, considering how bad he felt.

"Yes," Pen answered, only at that moment she realize that she was pregnant, she was going to be a mother.

-You don't look happy.

-It's not that, it makes me very excited


-It upsets me to see you so bad, and the doctor said it would continue like this until the end of the first trimester.

Colin took her hand and caressed it.

- You are going to have the weight of the baby, and the delivery, leave this to me. "I can handle it," she smiled at him. "I just have to eat lightly at night."

You won't be able thought Penelope.


The first three months ended, there were good days, others very bad. Colin was generally a very healthy man, so lying in bed every morning frustrated him, so it was no surprise that he secretly wished the first trimester would be over.

At that time Pen had gone out with Benedict throughout London looking for the silver woman, but without any success, until finally the second Bridgerton gave up.

That night they had been invited to dinner at house number 5 with the entire Bridgerton family, except Francesca and her husband Mr. Stirling, because they were settling into their new life abroad. They were all already seated at the table. No member of the family knew about Penelope's condition, the couple wanted to keep it a secret until they made sure they got through the delicate three months.

-Dear, has your morning sickness improved? Violet asked.

"Yes mother, that was months ago," Colin responded.

-Have you been able to find out anything about her? -Penelope asked Benedict

He just shook his head.

"Who are you talking about?" Violet asked.

"You're welcome, Lady Bridgerton," Pen replied.

-Penelope, I told you to call me Violet, or mom, whatever you like.

Pen just nodded. Kate was starting her eighth month, so her stomach looked bigger than hers.

-does it weigh a lot on you? - Pen asked him.

-You get used to it, but I appreciate it when Anthony helps me carry him. It is difficult to sleep, or I can't find the position, or it starts to move or play with my bladder.

"It sounds terrible," Pen said.

-I hope that the last two months go by quickly so I can have him in my arms.

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