Chapter 5

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- Isabel's POV -

We all ran upstairs and grabbed our bags and things. Our family guests had used less time compared to my parents, brother and I. We managed to pack a few clothes and accessories. We also grabbed a few of our electronics that could be of some use to us. Everyone packed a few casual and fancy clothing to go with them.

When we reached downstairs, we had our bags dropped to one side and ran around the house making sure that everything was going to be safe as they are, while we were to go out. Mom and Aunt Letty had given everyone, even me, a glass of champagne. We all stood beside each other in a circle and looked at Uncle Dom as he spoke.

"No matter what happens. Everyone is to work as a team and share their information. When we land in South Africa, everyone is to pair up, you are to watch out for your partner. Make sure your partner is someone you can actually work with. Do not let anyone into your cars and remember to not give away any information about us to anyone. Most of all, enjoy this mission. But do not enjoy it too much." he said as he smiled at mom and dad.

As everyone raised their glasses I spoke, added a few things to Uncle Dom's speech, "No matter what happens never let go of our partner and do not risk your life when there is a low chance of survival. And most of all... RIDE OR DIE!"

Everyone raised their glasses and said, "Ride or die!"

"To our family and our little angel!" dad said as he smiled at me.

We all drank the glasses and cleaned them, placing them into the cupboards after drying them. On the way out, we heard a howl and roar, it was Hunter and Royal. "Can they come with us?" I asked mom and dad, as I ran towards them after dropping my luggage into the cars that were to take us to the airport. They were to be driven by the police.

"Dom?" dad asked as he looked at Uncle Dom.

"They are a tiger and a wolf, not a dog and cat. They can come." Uncle Dom smiled.

"Why not a cat and a dog?" Natalie asked.

"Tigers and wolves eat meat and they could eat the criminals meat as torture or even scare them." Uncle Dom responded as he entered the car that was to take him, Aunt Letty and Jack.

Dad and I climbed into a car, mom joined us soon. Derek, Natalie and Michael went in another car, while Hobbs and Samantha went into another one. The cars were all BMWs, they were black, big and comfortable to sit in. The drivers started the engines and drove through the city, to the airport. The view changed really fast, but was still astonishing as LA originally is. Dad, mom and I were laughing and talking throughout the whole journey.

The moment we had reached our destination, we all climbed out of the car and brought our bags from the car boots. We loaded them all into trolleys, mixing our bags with each others'. Dad, Uncle Dom, Hobbs and Uncle T drove the trolleys to the check in points. We all unloaded our bags, letting them mix with other luggages, so that they load into the cargo. We also checked ourselves in and walked towards the security entrances to enter the inside, where there were loads of shops and cafes.

We split ourselves and wandered around several shops. Natalie, Samantha and I grouped up and walked into a perfume shop. The adults gave us a time and the gate number for when and where we should meet them.

"So do you like Derek?" I asked Samantha as I observed a perfume case and took in the scent of the fragrance it had.

"Do you like Michael?" Natalie asked, grabbing Samantha's attention.

"He's okay. Now you answer my question Samantha." I responded.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean he is sweet and romantic. I just -" Natalie cut her off when she was answering my question.

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