Chapter 15

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- Mia's POV -

After the whole race to the restaurant, we all ended up fidgeting with our clothes... the ladies in this case. The girls, on the other hand, were too busy complimenting each other as they played around with their dresses and hairs. The men were too busy talking about the race we just had, while the boys chased each other then spoke about the food they wanted to order for linner - lunch and dinner. We hadn't even gotten into the restaurant yet.

"South Africa is famous for this safari park, you know?" Nicholas said, in a dreamy tone, as if he was here on vacation.

"We are not here on vacation." Hobbs said.

"Urgh!" Nicholas growled as he moved away from Hobbs and towards Gisele and Tiffany. Those two have been staring around as if they were waiting for a ghost t come and kill someone.

"I am hungry." Isabel said as she moves towards, in a very slow manner that meant we were taking too long outside.

"Let's eat something before the kids die of hunger." Dom said as he lead the group towards the restaurant doors.

- Brian's POV -

The restaurant was huge and very luxurious... in appearance. The restaurant was beautiful... as Mia would occasionally say.

"Cool." Derek said, in a childish manner, the very same one that Jack uses when trying to get something we wouldn't let him get.

"Stop standing and staring at the place, get us a seat and order some food. I am hungry!" Letty whined and ordered us.

"Move in people. And grab a seat for us all." I said, pushing Jack into the restaurant.

"Okay." Jack said as he made his way to the waitress that stood by a wooden stand.

"Would you like a table?" the waitress asked us all.

"Yes, please." Isabel responded in an almost sarcastic tone.

"For how many people, exactly?" the waitress asked as Isabel grabbed Jack and Michael's arms. Tiffany moved towards her and tapped her shoulder, making Izzy release her grip on the boys, to hold Tiffany.

"A table for twenty three people, please." Kathleen answered quickly for us all, while the rest of us struggled to finish counting the group.

We watched the waitress leave to look for a table, "Twenty three? There are twenty three of us?" Roman asked, shocked.

"Apparently." Gisele replied.

"What's wrong with that?" Dom asked.

"Too many of us?" Roman answered.

"The more, the better and faster. We get to have a lot of missions completed." Tiffany hesitatingly said.

"Good point. But didn't you kids say that you wanted to choose if you wanted this to be your life and not?" Mia smiled softly at all the kids as they stood in the line.

"Yes, but so far we agree to stay and do more." Angel giggled with Kathleen.

"Okay..." Derek scoffed in an almost rude tone as he turned to face the approaching waitress.

"Your table is ready. Follow me." the lady said as she lead us to the table we were to sit at. As we walked behind her, we could see the beauty of the restaurant.

- Letty's POV -

The glass chandeliers that dangled from the ceiling made our evening delightful and surprising. We walked down the red carpet as if it was a fancy party or event that we were all attending together. No one made any eye contact with each other. But from what I could see, from in front of me, Angel and Izzy were whispering to each other. I wondered what they were saying. Yet again, it did not bother me to know what they were saying, as they were just young kids.

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