Chapter 8

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- Dom's POV -

It was funny to see O'Connor react ridiculously at an appearance of a little girl. He reacted as if he just choked or as if he just saw a troll. Kathleen was not a troll; she was a pretty little girl. I laughed at O'Connor just as his daughter and Letty were laughing.

"O'Connor, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Sorry, it's just that..." he trailed off.

"Just what?" Letty laughed alongside Isabel.

"Dad... isn't he the guy that hit our car the other day at the shopping mall? In the parking lot?" Kathleen asked her dad, as if her dad was going to kill my brother. I clinched my fist just in case.

"Hello." my brother said, sounding drifted and tired... or as if his mind wasn't where his body was.

"Dad?" Isabel asked as if to bring him back to all sanity.

"Yes sweety?" Brian said as he gazed into his daughter's eyes.

"You're scaring me." she responded. He looked at her as if to say "How?"

"Why don't you guys join us? There are a few empty seats beside Brian over there." Ramsey offered them a seat beside my brother.

"Wait!" Isabel said, as if she had read my mind.

"Is there a problem anywhere?" Mackenzie had asked.

"I was hoping I could sit beside my dad." Isabel said.

"Sure, I don't mind sitting beside my sister... any time." Mackenzie smiled and Ramsey.

"Thanks." Isabel said as she slid into the seat beside her dad.

"Hello sweety." I said to Isabel as Angel leaned on my shoulder and started to sniff me... for some reason.

"Hi Uncle Dom." Izzy said back to me, smiling.

"Are you sniffing me,  Angel?" I whispered to Angel as she froze.

"Nope. I am smelling you." Angel responded.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Letty asked our little Angel.

"No... I think... I don't know." Angel answered. She did not stop sniffing me I chuckled to the sight of her.

"So do you three want to order something?" Mia asked them, politely.

"We set our orders when we booked to come here... apparently to meet some people." David answered.

"So, who are the people?" Angel and Isabel chorused.

"I was wondering that too." Kathleen said, her feisty attitude kicked in when she shot a glance at Brian and I.

"Mackenzie?" David shoved the spotlight to Mackenzie herself.

"My sister said that there were people we had to meet here." Mackenzie said as Ramsey's focus was back on everyone on the table.

"Huh? What?" Ramsey said in her hilariously nice British accent.

"You invited some random people to join us, why?" Hobbs asked.

"We are not random. My sister requested I come with a very professional IT man. So I did." Mackenzie answered.

"Yeah, not a whole family." Ramsey chuckled.

"How good are you with computers and systems?" Brian asked David, who sat two seats away from him.

"My dad is brilliant at it." Kathleen said.

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