Chapter 24

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 - Isabel's POV -

"Hurry up! Get up here! We might have found something!" Jack screamed at me as he ran out of my room. Dropping a bunch of things on my room ground. I growled as he did that and ran after him. He lead me to the meeting room.

"What did you find?" Jack asked as he walked into the room, while I stormed in, behind him.

"My father. He keeps meeting someone. In public and then they both drive off and when they go under a tunnel, they never come out of it. But then leave from the same way they came in... but hours later." Quinn said, narrating what was happening in the video that was displayed in front of our faces.

"So?" Michael asked. Immediately making half the female population look at him as if it was an obvious answer. And to be honest, it was.

"So... we send a couple of people to follow him and see where he is going." Dom replied for everyone.

"And how are they supposed to follow him? Where do we even find him?" Kathleen asked, sort of making a point.

"I said it in present tense." Quinn reminded us.

"So?" Mr David asked. That word was being used far too many times for this conversation.

"Are you trying to say he goes there regularly?" Gisele asked.

Quinn nodded and said, "He goes there every Thursday, at six in the evening. But the time of his departure from that specific location is irregular. I guess it depends on who it is he is meeting and what the purpose and reason is."

"So, why don't you and Caleb or Isabel spy on him and try to find out about something?" Tiffany suggested. It wasn't a bad idea or plan.

"I can't. Reason one being that there are guards in the back." he said as he zoomed in to reveal sight of faces and figures in the trees. Then continued to talk, "Reason two being they might recognise me or my style of driving." his recent reason made my dad and uncle grin, smirk and smile - a combination of all. "Reason three is that Caleb and I need to head back to my dad's hideout. See if he is still there and if he ever suspected our one night disappearance." this time he nodded to Caleb, leaving me standing in the doorway. I hadn't moved since I walked into the room.

"So who is doing the spying from the outside?" Tiffany asked, looking at me.

"You, Kathleen and Nicholas. Let's try and not get Isabel involved in anything tonight." my dad said as he looked my way. His eyes were dark with sympathy and pity. It made me sick and want to scream. I didn't want anyone to force me to be left out on anything.

"And the rest of you, train yourself. We could be in for either the bst or the worst heist of our lifetimes. So be prepared for anything. And you three, gear up and make sure to be armed." Hobbs ordered us as we all started to nod one by one.

"Quinn." Caleb's voice echoed through the room. He had grabbed everyone's attention.

"What is it?" Quinn's voice started to sound concerned.

"Sebastian. He is asking us to meet up at a place. He sent us the coordinates. Your dad will apparently be there." Caleb replied, looking up from his phone. The two nodded at each other.

"Let's get moving. You two leave, use the underwater tunnels to exit this place. The three of you spies gear up. Everyone else, you have around twenty minutes to get ready to get to the arena. Dom, Brian and Mister Nobody, I'll see you three in the garage... after Caleb and Quinn have left." Hobbs ordered everyone, making us all leave one by one. Me first, since I spent the whole meeting standing in front of the doorway.

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