Chapter 22

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- Isabel's POV -

I snuck out of the room as early as I could. Obviously, after doing one of the classic pranks in my book of classic pranks. I put make-up on my brother's face. And to be precise, the wrong make-up product on the wrong part of his face. And took a mirror out of my room and his, and temporarily placed it in the cafeteria lounge... alongside mirrors from some of the empty rooms. I had all the mirrors hanging around the room and in places where his reflection would be the first thing he sees.

I didn't tell anyone but Roman about it as he was funny and was definitely in with me. And he was to be stationed to rush Jack out of my room and to the lounge in a few minutes from now. One minute to be accurate, actually. And thankfully everyone was in the lounge before then. It was going to be the best prank I have played on him... this month!

- Tiffany's POV -

There was something up with Isabel. She kept looking at the clock, then the entrance, and would make a mischevious face while looking at the door and clock. It was starting to annoy me as I so badly wanted to know what she was up to. I tried to ask her and her response annoyed me so much: "You'll see."

Eventually, I did see. Her brother had his face plastered with an excessive amount of makeup and all in the wrong places. And looked worst than a clown who didn't wear makeup right. It had everyone laughing. But it had me wondering: how much exactly does her brother love her that he chooses not to run her down or kill her for doing something like this? Not even Derek would sit still for a second if Natalie did this to him.

But unlucky for those two, they were assigned to putting all the mirrors back in their places and then Isabel had to help Jack get all the make up off of his face. Which would obviously take long. Although, Jack did want to protest about putting the mirrors back in their places, while his sister was whining of why she had to help him take his makeup off.

After they left, I headed to the dock. Alone. With the excuse of fresh air.

"Who was fighting who last night?" a voice startled me, making me jump and turn around. It was Mr O'Connor.

"I won't tell anyone or do anything to them. I am just curious." he said, after realizing that I was going to keep my mouth shut.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"From my daughter and son not talking to Michael. Which happens rarely. As he is the best friend and boyfriend to and for them." he sighed. "Also, everyone else... none of you guys are talking to each other. But to me the Michael involving one was very obvious."

"Michael and Jack." I sighed.

"And anyone else involved?" he asked me.

"Isabel was apparently someone they were fighting for or against or about. And the rest of us are bystanders who pulled them off of each other." I looked down at the ground as I told him this part.

"Why is Isabel the lady of the spotlight in this fight?"

"Apparently Michael said a few things against her. And Jack was defending her and lost control while Michael continued to say crap about her." I felt guilty and bad for giving up the information.

"So has Isabel broken up with Michael or are they still together?" he asked me, making me look up at him in shock.

"I am not sure about that. I just know that they are not talking to each other. And that she might not forgive him that easily." I said.

"I agree. I'm going to go now and stop bothering you." he said as he smiled while walking away. And he was right, after he left me, I was on my own. At least for a while.

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