spin the bottle | m.r

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enemies to lovers:)


you and your friends were at a party at who knows where and you were all very, VERY drunk.

"guysss let's have funn!" one of your friends say holding up a shot and you all press you glasses together agreeing.

"the cute slytherin boys are here.." one of the others say and they all start smirking.

"i have an idea!" you say and they all stop what their doing and turn their attention towards you, "let's do spin the bottle!" you say, finishing your sentence.

everyone one agrees and they tell all the 'super hot slytherin boys' to come over to the area there at.

"what are we doing?" theodore says, "we're doing spin the bottle!" your other friend replies fast, she's the one who likes theo so she HAD to answer his question.

"i'm down." he says and all the others agree after him.

"sense it was y/n's idea.. i think she should spin it first!" pansy says and you turn red from embarrassment, you didn't really wanna spin it first but whatever.

"alright then.. pass me a bottle someone." you say shaking your head and catching a beer bottle draco threw your way.

"thanks.." you whisper loud enough for only the two people next to you to hear.

you place the bottle on the hard wood floor and spin it, praying it doesn't land on him, mattheo riddle.

it stops slowly and its the boy across from you. once you look up you notice the boy you were hoping not
to get.

"ugh!" you say out loud, rubbing your forehead from the headache your getting and the fact you got mattheo.

"what do you mean 'ugh'?" he asks, acting hurt even tho he really doesn't care, right?

"whatever, let's just get this shit over with." you say leaving in towards him.

you didn't expect him to pull you in by your waist but you weren't complaining— wait no you can't like it.

he smashes his lips against yours, and you feel your face heat up and you hope he can't feel it too. you place your hands on his neck as you pull away.

he doesn't let you pull away tho, once you try he pulls you back in and moves you body closer to his to get more control over you.

"mattheo alright we said kiss, not eat her!" pansy says splitting you two apart.

when he notices the blush on your cheeks he smirks to himself and mouths to you, "my dorm in 10, alright?"

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