Chapter 30

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( In the afternoon at Parth's office room, Parth was busy checking the files when someone knocked on the door. As Parth looked at the door, he gave permission to enter )

PARTH: Hey Sohael, please come in!

SOHAEL: How are you, man?

( Parth and Sohael exchanged a hug, and Parth gestured for Sohael to sit before taking his own seat )

PARTH: How is everyone in the house?

SOHAEL: Good, and what about yours?

PARTH: Good too!

( Parth smiled, and Sohael smiled too. Sohael furrowed his eyebrows and asked )

SOHAEL: What are your sons doing?

( Parth sighed, rolled his eyes, and added )

PARTH: There's nothing to talk about them! I'm tired of talking to them! Both sons are useless! Arjun is a wildlife photographer, and the other, the rudest son ever, Varun, is doing something like DJing... But I have no idea what he is doing that is useful in his life!

( Parth rubbed his forehead in frustration, and Sohael looked at Parth and sighed )

SOHAEL: Why don't you get them married?

( Parth looked at Sohael for a moment and replied )

PARTH: I don't want to ruin a girl's life because of them! And I'm not sure who would marry guys like them.

SOHAEL: But your sons aren't bad boys, right?

( Parth rolled his eyes and answered )

PARTH: Arjun is fine, but Varun is useless.

SOHAEL: I understand! I have one daughter... She is taking care of my business.

PARTH: Oh, you mean Mimi? How is she? Is she fine? Have you already figured out the medicine for her?

( Sohaal sighed heavily and shook his head )

PARTH: No, we still haven't found the right medicine to cure her! But the doctor said that she can survive for more than 5 years.

( Parth sighed in concern and looked at Sohael, who gave a little smile and added )

SOHAEL: But I wish for her to get married! Due to her health condition, no one wants to marry her, and yeah, I can't easily give my daughter to someone who doesn't deserve her, right!

( Parth nodded, and Sohael sighed and looked at Parth )

SOHAEL: If you're okay with it, why don't we arrange for our kids to get married?

( Parth looked at Sohael with shock, and Sohael added )

SOHAEL: If you don't wish, it's okay.

( Parth smiled and said )

PARTH: It's not like that! I'm okay with that. Let me just discuss with my family members.

( Sohael nodded and added )

SOHAEL: If my daughter gets married, I won't hesitate to give everything to your son.

( Parth looked at Sohael and laughed, and Sohael laughed too )

( In the mansion, Rya and Priya sat on the sofa, and Priya helped Rya wear the necklace )

RYA: Wow, auntie, it's so beautiful!

( Rya looked at the necklace, and Priya smiled )

PRIYA: It's just a small gift from me! But soon, you'll get a big gift from me!

( Hanch jumped on the sofa, shocking Priya and Rya )

HANCH: Oh, a gift?

PRIYA: Why are you jumping like a monkey?

( Priya hit Hanch's thigh, and Hanch raised an eyebrow, saying )

HANCH: Don't talk to me, perima! You can gift Rya, but not me!

( Hanch made a sad face, and Priya and Rya looked at each other and smiled )

PRIYA: Aaree? Do you want a necklace like Rya? Come on, I have so many! Wait, I will bring them for you.

( Hanch immediately grabbed Priya's hand, saying )

HANCH: I don't want a girl's necklace. I'm asking for a boy's gift.

ARJUN: What about this, Hanch?

( Arjun showed a U-lock while descending the stairs, and as Hanch looked at the U-lock, he opened his mouth in shock. )

HANCH: U-lock? Seriously? Is this what you want to gift me as a necklace?

( Arjun nodded, saying )

ARJUN: Yeah! Since you are asking for a necklace, I found a perfect necklace for you!

( Hanch narrowed his eyes, stood up from the sofa, and took a closer look at the U-lock )

HANCH: Yah, Varun ki bike ka U-lock hai, na?

( Arjun nodded, saying )

ARJUN: Yeah, it's Varun's bike one.

PRIYA: What about this gift, Hanch? Do you like it?

( Priya asked while laughing, Rya laughed too, and Arjun joined in. Hanch looked at the three of them, narrowed his eyes, then pulled the U-lock from Arjun and wore it around his neck )

HANCH: I don't have any objections!

( The three of them stopped laughing and looked at Hanch, who was wearing the U-lock around his neck, with his hands on his waist. They started to laugh again, and Hanch rolled his eyes )

VARUN: Did anybody see my—

( Varun descended the staircase slowly, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at Hanch. Hanch looked at Varun, waved at him with a big smile on his face )

VARUN: What are you doing with my U-lock?

( Rya added, laughing )

RYA: It's a gift from Arjun! And you know what? He looks cute with this U-lock.

VARUN: What?

( Varun looked at them, and Arjun added )

ARJUN: Sorry, I was very eager to gift him, so I just took your U-lock and gave it to Hanch.

HANCH: By the way, this is my necklace. Doesn't it look cool and sexy?

( Hanch flipped his hair with a beaming smile, and the three of them laughed again. Varun looked at Hanch up and down and started to laugh )

VARUN: Yeah, you really look dashing with this U-lock.

ARJUN: Let's take a selfie together, Mr. Sexy.

HANCH: Sure, why not?

( He flipped his hair again, and Arjun took his phone to take a picture with them. While taking pictures, Varun pulled Hanch's hair, and Arjun pinched Hanch's arm, making Hanch shout in pain )

HANCH: Aahhh!

( Arjun said, "Peace," and clicked the photo as Hanch shouted in pain with his eyes closed )

ARJUN: Done.

VARUN: Cool.

( Varun rubbed his hands together, left the place, and Priya said )

PRIYA: Let's show this necklace to grandma.

( Priya and Rya left the place, and Hanch rubbed his arm, glaring at Arjun. Arjun showed his ugly expression in the pictures )

ARJUN: Thanks for the photo! Your fans are going to be crazy for this one picture.

( Hanch looked at his picture and realized he looked bad in the picture. He glared at Arjun )

HANCH: Don't think about it!

ARJUN: Sorry, bro! It's my duty to update your fans about you.

( Arjun started to run )

HANCH: Anna, please don't do that!

( He chased Arjun )

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