Chapter 32

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( Night at 1 am )

ARJUN: The elephant asked me to carry him to his house! So I helped him reach there, you know! My body is in full pain.

( Arjun makes a fake pained face while holding his hip and telling the story to his siblings at the lounge in the garden, and Vikranth joins them )

VIKRANTH: Ah, another jungle story from Arjun!

( Vikranth takes his seat, and Ajay shakes his head, looking at Arjun )

AJAY: Can you tell us a story that we could believe?

( Ajay playfully hits Arjun on the head, and Arjun rubs his head and adds )

ARJUN: It's a hundred percent true story! If you guys won't believe it, it's your loss.

VARUN: My foot, a true story! You'd die in one second if you carried the elephant!

( Varun rolls his eyes while showing his foot towards Arjun, and Arjun kicks Varun's foot. Roshini adds )

ROSHINI: Alright, no fighting! I'm very confused about selecting a gift for Niharika auntie's daughter! Help me choose one!

( Hanch's eyebrows are moving up and down, and Hanch turns to Roshini )

HANCH: Who is that daughter, Mom?

( Roshini pushes Hanch's cheek with her finger and adds )

ROSHINI: Stop your curiosity! She's getting engaged this week! That's why I'm confused.

( Hanch punches on the lounge, and Shahid pinches Hanch's arm, making Hanch shout in pain. Shahid laughs, and Hanch glares at Shahid )

PRIYA: What about a diamond necklace?

MADHURI: Good idea, Priya.

VARUN: Instead of buying her a diamond necklace, you guys can gift them lots of mehendi collections or bulbs to decorate the hall!

( Everyone looks at Varun weirdly while he busily gives suggestions, and Kalyani hits Varun's shoulder )

KALYANI: Why should we gift that's all? They already have so many stocks!

HANCH: Seriously, Varun? Why did your brain suddenly stop working? Are you okay?

( Hanch checks the fever temperature on Varun's forehead, and Varun pushes Hanch's hand )

AJAY: Actually, a diamond necklace is a good idea! It brings happiness, and they should know that we can give an expensive gift with respect.

ARJUN: Tell Niharika auntie that I'm the photographer!

VARUN: And I'm the DJ.

( Varun raises his left hand, and Arjun looks at Varun and rolls his eyes and adds )

ARJUN: Ha! You and your DJ! All are just like, 'Baby, calm down, baby, calm down.

( The boys chorus )

BOYS: "Ha!"

( Varun rolls his eyes and adds )

VARUN: I agree, you guys have low music taste! But what can I do with that?

VIKRANTH: Oh, really, Mr.?

( Varun nods, and Vikranth takes the pillow and throws it at Varun. Varun immediately catches it and laughs, and Vikranth rolls his eyes and takes a grape from the basket on the coffee table )

SHAHID: If Varun is the DJ and Arjun is the photographer, then I'm the eater!

( Everyone furrows their eyebrows and looks at Shahid, and he adds while smiling )

SHAHID: Yeah, I have nothing to do with it! So as a guest, I come there to eat!

AJAY: Actually, you can check all the guests! If anyone has any heart attack symptoms or whatever, you can immediately give them immediate care!

( Shahid laughs and adds )

SHAHID: So funny, Ajay!

( At that moment, Varun notices Parth coming towards them )

VARUN: Guys, a headache is coming!

( Everyone furrows their eyebrows and looks in Parth's direction, then at Varun, and keeps quiet. Parth puts a piece of paper on the coffee table, and everyone looks at the paper and then at Parth )

PARTH: Arjun or Varun is going to marry soon!

( Everyone looks shocked and confusedly at Parth )

PARTH: My friend Sohael's daughter! He urgently wants to arrange a marriage for his daughter due to her health condition!

VARUN: ( Another headache )

( Varun rolls his eyes and adds )

VARUN: Your sons are useless and jobless! How can they get married? Oops, I think Mr. Parth forgot about that.

AJAY: ( This guy )

( Ajay rubs his forehead in frustration, and Parth glares at Varun and adds )

PARTH: I know that very well! That's why I didn't promise him, and I didn't ask you to marry that girl! I don't want you to ruin her life with your stupid attitude.

VARUN: Then you don't need to mention my name!

MADHURI: Varun, can you keep quiet? What are you saying, Parth? Why the hurry?

( Parth sighs and adds )

PARTH: Actually, my friend's daughter is suffering from a kind of disease and she can only live for 5 years. So, as Sohael worries about his daughter's condition, he wants her to live the life she deserves. She doesn't want to take the risk of marrying a stranger, so he asked me if his daughter could marry Arjun, thinking it would be better for her.

( Everyone looks at Arjun, who is sitting silently, looking at the floor, and Parth looks at Arjun and sighs )

PARTH: Can you at least do this for me? Not for me, but for the sake of that girl's life.

( Arjun sighs and adds )

ARJUN: Now I'm 26 years old. If that girl's lifetime is only 5 years, does that mean at my 30 years old I should live without her?

PARTH: You can have a second marriage.

( Arjun's siblings look at Parth, then at Arjun. Arjun smirks with a sad expression )

ARJUN: It's not easy for me. I have no courage to live a life with her. If I get attached to her, I won't be able to move on later.

PARTH: I just thought my both sons were useless, but today I realized that they are cowards!

( Ajay lets out a sigh and adds )

AJAY: No, Chitapah, you're wrong! Arjun not a coward. He is just thinking practically about his future after that girl is gone. If he gets married, of course, he will fall in love. What if he becomes attached to her? Then he will be traumatized, and we will be sad to see him like that. That's what he's trying to say!

ROSHINI: yes, there is logic! Marriage is not a business deal. It's a very serious matter and, of course, needs time to make the right decision.

PARTH: Sometimes we can marry for a business deal, like Ajay!

( Everyone looks at Parth, then Ajay lowers his head, sighs, and looks at Parth. Kalyani looks at Ajay and sighs, adding )

KALYANI: Whatever the decision is, let Arjun decide, but don't force him if he's not interested.

( Parth looks at Kalyani and everyone, then rolls his eyes and leaves the place )

PRIYA: Don't stress out! We will talk to him, okay?

( Priya tries to calm Arjun, and Arjun nods while deep in thought. Varun rolls his eyes and adds )

VARUN: The dad who could sell his own children for the sake of money!

KALYANI: Varun, don't talk like that! Go and see if Raghav mama has arrived and is ready.

( Varun nods and leaves the place, and Hanch follows behind Varun, while everyone else sits silently )

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