A/N hey guys.....long time no see

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A/N Hey guys, no I'm not dead just had a break, a lot was going on. School was overwhelming me, homework, test, projects, and all this other crap. Sophomore year is honestly the hardest year of highschool, its like seventh grade it being your important year because colleges look at your sophomore year mostly, sigh. On top of that both my grandparents died, may they rest in peace, so that was hectic too, and I realized I can't handle funerals, they're too depressing and just make you even more emotional. I also started martials, and that consumed so much of my time, but it was worth it because I got to skip a belt, I'm a yellow white aiming to skip orange and get orange white, and have won all my tournaments so far and have one coming up the 26th so I'm excited for that. However I am back to wattpad, its just going to be a little slower, I hope you guys can understand, I will be continuing all my stories, trying to finish MSBAP then UTDM. I am having some writers block, but that will be solved soon. Again sorry for the long wait and painful cliffhanger! I will be trying to answer all your messages, got a few in my inbox!

Jared- Finally she's back!

Me- *rolls eyes* oh hush jared and stop  being overdramatic

Jared- Well incase you didn't know, but my fans have been missing my sexy self!

Me- someone lied to you when they called you sexy

Jared-*gasp* are you saying i'm not sexy?!

me- thats exactly what i'm saying, you want sexy two words, channing tatum, now thats sexy!!!  

Jared-*grumble* no he's not

Mia- hell yeah he is!

Jared- WHAT?!

me-*looks at Mia* Run girly 

Mia- *starts running* I was kidding!.... Mostly!

Jared-*runs after Mia* LIARRRRRRRRRR

Me-......well she's ducked.....ahh stupid autocorrect -.- yall know what i mean until next time loves!

My Step-Brother A Player?*COMPLETED*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن