Chapter 39: I...I

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A/N hey guys, so I haven't updated in a while and that's because I had to catch up on some.......SUMMER HOMEWORK like who does that? Give homework during summer break *sigh* and I couldn't take the reading anymore. I love reading I really do, but this book is going to kill Me slowly with boredom.



Mia's P.O.V

Tony gripped my arm tightly, the gun now on my back. He wasn't stupid, to walk out of a public place with a gun to someone's head. Even though I wish he is stupid, why couldn't he have watched SpongeBob as a kid? Looking aground, nervously, my nerves were a mess. I'm a mess, my hands all sweaty, small shakes, fear creeping up on me, I could hear my pulse, beating loudly, it felt like it could burst at any moment. I saw a few kids bustling out of their school activities, apparently the school is fixing the water pipes, that so happen to break today. What a coincides right?

I tried to gain some of the kids attention, however like most kids now a days, they had earphones in their ears, blasting their music to the highest volume. If it wasn't that then their heads were lowered looking at their phones, probably on social media. If I could, I would've tripped them, but that would lead to a pissed off teenager and a mad Tony the tiger.

As we walked further into the school, I could tell Tony is leading me to the back of the school, taking a secluded area of the school, that only teachers were permitted in. How did I know? It said 'Teachers only', it's basically like a shortcut to the teachers parking lot. Looking around I tried to find an escape route, maybe I can slam his face to the wall, that he could get stuck and I escape. What is the probability of that happening? One in a billon gazzillion trillion years, can't hurt to try. Probably would...

"You know, I really missed your feisty self..." Tony whispered, getting close to my face, and nipping my ear. Shuddering in disgust, I move my head away from him. I don't want him near me or his damn infested slimy saliva. I guess that was the wrong move, because all of a sudden I being roughly pulled and slammed onto the wall. Wincing at the impact, I tried to keep my groans to myself. I won't let him see the pain he is causing me. That will only bring pleasure to him and his sick self. Shutting my eyes tightly, I grit my teeth and compose myself. I could feel him, pushing himself up against me. Trying to push him away, with no success. Seeing that his hands now gripped mine and the gun. I feel rough lips grace my neck, my eyes water, memories of his cold, rough lips on me, come to mind. How this position was too familiar, the hopelessness creeping up, no. Not this this time, I've changed, I wont, I refuse to be that little weak girl again. With that thought I snap my eyes open, he had himself fully pressed against me, his head bent and on my neck. Not wanting it to go any further I push him with my elbows, when that didn't do anything, I jam my elbow to his jaw, making him loose his grip on my hands, to grip his jaw. Ripping my hands from his, I push him as far as I could, which is barely a damn foot away. He has bulked up from the last time, no doubt from him taking steroids. He gripped his jaw in anger, not wasting time, I make a run for it. Not even making it five feet, before I could get far away, I felt a grip on my hair. Being pulled back by it and slammed once again to the wall, this time I couldn't hold in the groan. He didn't appreciate my stunt much, I could tell that much, plus his body shaking, veins popping and angry hulk seem to be another clue. What I didn't see and probably should've expected, is him raising his hand, and slapping me across the face with the gun in hand. 

My cheek stunning at the impact, the metal slamming onto my face, turning it to the other side. I place my hand on my cheek, that hurt like a bitch. Biting the inside of my cheek, I blinking quickly trying to get rid of the tears that had gather around my eyes, my breathing now a lot shallower. Petrified is how I felt right now, he had a gun and I'm testing him. I knew that he wouldn't hesitate to shoot me, unless Zach order him not too.

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