Chapter 23: Surprise Vacation Part III.*Special edition*

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A/N And I'm back!! Whoah like a boss anyway so you know how Alexa and Connor were having there moment yeah well one of the readers suggested to write what was going on with the two so I'm like why the hell not? So here is.....*drum roll* ....ALEXA'S P.O.V !!!!!!

*crowd goes wild*

haha anywhore before I forget cause I was going to say it but I for the idea Big mom A because that's what we call one of  my friends since she's basically the mother of the group haha enjoy!!


Alexa's P.O.V

When Mia said to listen to her, I started to freak out. Knowing that little sneeky clever rascal she had a mini plan going up on her head. But before I could've said anything she was up and gone. The next thing I know is I'm feeling arms wrap around me. Those arms belonged to the one person that caused me so much hurt. I couldn't help it I started to sob all over again the images kept playing throughout my mind like a broken recorder. I wanted to punch him, scream, kick him show him my pain. Yet I couldn't bring it in myself to even slap him. All I did was grab a fist full of his shirt.

Connor whispered over and over that he was sorry, he never meant me to find out that way and that it wasn't what it seemed like. I kept on crying until I was able to calm down. By then we both sat in peace and enjoyed each others embrace. Sighing I knew we had to talk, Mia is right I have to fight for what I want and maybe Cher did set him up. I have to listen to what he says before assuming shit. I always hated those types if girls, yet I'm being one of them.

"Connor...we need to talk," I started out. Getting up from his lap and into what use to be Mia's seat. Wiping any tears away I look at him. Looking at him I can see all the pain in his eyes he had a few tears rolling down his face as well and he wasn't doing anything about them. He was just letting them roll. My heart clench at the sight I couldn't bear seeing him like that. I rush over to him and hug the shit out of him, and he does the same. It was his turn to let out a heart breaking sob. I have never seen a guy care so much about me or let their pride go and show how they truly felt.

"I...I'm so sorry Alexa I'm so sorry I...I..never meant to hurt you. That wasn't my plan, my plan...was to show you I wasn't like every other guy. I promised myself I wasn't ever going to hurt you. And...and look what I did...I broke you and I want to punch myself over and over again. I swear I didn't kiss her! She...she came onto me. She placed her hands on my eyes and I thought it was you. Cause you always did that," he gave me a small smile thinking of the times I did that. "She turn me around and kissed me. I guess one of her friends told her that you were coming cause before being turned around I heard someone say CODE RED. I'm so sorry! I understand if you don't ever want to talk to me. I just want to let you know that I will be here whenever you need me. You're a beautiful girl who deserves better, I mean you are funny, you stand by what you say, you're not afraid to get down and dirty, you're smile can make anyone smile you-"

I couldn't help it I mean he was talking and everything he was saying was so sweet, my heart swelled and I knew this guy was too good to be true. I believed him, he hasn't lied to me since we have met. So I cut him off by slamming my lips to his. He froze under my touch, but soon kissed me back. Grabbing my face with his hands, he caressed my face like I was a delicate flower. I felt safe I felt....loved. Kissing him was like kissing a chocolate man. Weird yes but that's how I felt. He was perfect, he was the one I was willing to let my walls down.

Connor grabbed my hips and position me right in front of him as I was still side ways. He lifted my shirt a little and rubbed circles with his fingers. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. Smirking I deny his request. He growled and bit my lip softly, causing me to gasp. He took this as his chance to snake his sneeky tongue in my mouth. We battled for dominance but he won. Massaging his tongue with mine, he tasted like strawberries. Letting out a moan we slowly start to depart breathing heavily. I had my eyes close and a smile playing at my lips.

Slowly openings my eyes I look at his deep gray and blueish eyes. Trying to get my breathing steady I lean my forehead against his.

"That had to be the best way to get me to shut up," he said. "Does this mean you believe me?" hope flying into his eyes.

"Yes it does. You haven't told me a lie since we met so why would you now?" 

"You're amazing you know that right?"

"Yes I know that," I said while winking at him. He laughs and shakes his head.

"How lucky could I have gotten?" he asked but it seemed he was asking himself. He goes serious for a moment."So what now?"

I sighed, that is a good question am I ready to just be his girlfriend?

"How about this, we get to know each other more? Find out the deep dark secrets of our lives. Almost like we are starting all over. But we can act like a couple. Hug, hold hands, maybe peck here and there?" I asked.

"I can deal with that," he said smiling at me but it faltered.

"Alexa I want you to be honest with me, did you feel about  you think that I did that," he said almost hesitantly.

I take a deep breath and let it out.

"Honestly? I hated you for a small fracture of time. I thought you got bored of me. That because I wasn't blond or had fake inflated balloons, you didn't want me anymore. I was so angry at you at myself. I thought I was stupid because guys like you only exist in fucking fairy tales. I was ready to let my walls down yet when I saw that my walls build right back up and I stayed away from you. Every time I was lost at what to do. Should I hit you and punch you so you could feel my hurt or confront you and kiss you. Yet I did none of that I stayed were I was. But wherever I go you always are there! It was like faith was smacking me in the face saying get with him already! But now I can see it. I can see that you aren't like all the guys well at least not like before. I...I trust you," I finally said. Everything I said was true this man in front of me has done things to be that I didn't know would happen to me. But he proved me wrong.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that. I'm so so sorry, this time I swear I will make you smile from now on! No more tears for those beautiful eyes. You're my princess and I'm your prince," he said holding me close to him.

"I can get use to this, but hurt me and I will kill you King"


A/N Gosh I make myself emotional when writing this man I wish I had my own Connor :/

Me: " Connor will you be mine instead! I made you up but now I want you!"

Connor: " Lady I just met you today! And no this hot body belongs to a certain beauty of mine name Alexa"

Me: *pouts* " Okay at least you're nicer then Jared he's so mean to me!" *wails*

Connor: "There there author I can be your fictional best friend"

Me: "Really?!"

Connor: *Nods*

Hahah well it seems like I got myself a fictional best friend xD anywhore so what do you think? Tell me! Cause this chica loves to know what you have to say! This chapter is far from over cause we got to see if Jared is going to do some kissing up and sadly he has a secret to tell Mia and yall gonna kill him!! He also has another secret but.....that's for either another story or another chapter!!! I'm so evil mwuhahahhahah




My Step-Brother A Player?*COMPLETED*On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara