Chapter 42: Secrets Part I.

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A/N hey hey heyyy so before anything I'm going to give a small update on my life and what has been going on. I won 1st place in sparring and forms on my tournament that was on the 26th so that was awesome oh and I got these cute adorable tiger stuff animals along with the trophies, I named them snow white (cause she is white) and Leo and according to teacher they're married lol. What elseeee oh right so yesterday I had planned to update when the craziest thing happen, it started to crazy! Not just that but it cut off electricity for like 16,000 people (I saw it on the news today) and it was just like whatttt august plus hail bizard and there was this cool lighting storm it was so weird it kept going for a good hour, but yeah that's it enough about me let's see what's happening with Mia.


Mia's P.O.V

Zach walked into the room, his footsteps echoing at the now silent room.

"I said what is going on here?" he asked again, in a much darker tone; one I knew too damn well.

"I-I, uh well you see Zach, Mia here was being disrespectful towards my authority and I thought I should show her place," Cher said all smugged about it, like she wasn't about to get in trouble, but that I would be. Zach looked at her and then let out a booming laugh. He was laughing so hard to the point he was clapping his hands. Cher now looked a little scared for her life, Zach wiped away fake tears and walked closer to us. My breath hitched and my heart rate skyrocketed, having this man I once called father made me tremble at the fear of what he can do.

"Oh is that so?" he said with an evil smirk falling into place on his ugly face. Haha that rhymed, okay bad time for making jokes.

"Cher is it? What authority do you think you have around here? You were ordered to just watch Mia, and correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm not. Did I or did I not specifically said that no harm should come to Mia!" he yelled, anger shown clearly on his face. He came closer to Cher, balling his hands to fist, you could see a vein popping on his forehead and neck. Cher trembled in fear as she realized her mistake.

"I-I" she stuttered.

"Let me get something clear, you have no authority none at all. You're just something the boys around here enjoy for fun. I already got what I needed from you so you're pretty much useless now" he said smirking the whole time. Turning around he looked at Tony and Scar face.

"As for the two of you, would you like to explain why Mia has a knife to her thigh and a mother fucking BULLET to her leg!" he roared. Both Tony and Scar face were left with no words and just sputters of none existing words, which I'm guessing were excuses. Zach not wanting to hear any of it yelled.

"Shut up! I will deal with you two later for now, take Cher and dispose of her" he dismissed without another thought. My eyes widen dispose of her? Does that mean kill her?!

"What!" Cher screamed, thrashing in Scar face's hold, while Tony walked ahead. Zach let out a heavy sigh and placed his fingers on his forehead as if he was giving himself a massage. After a bit he shook his head, clapping his hands he turns towards me, a big old creepy smile on his face.

"Well dear, here you're were you belong, besides me at all time!" he said while walking towards me. I wanted to coward away, hide and cry, but I can't, I won't. Zach can't keep controlling my life, I can't keep living in fear like this.

"Why" I asked. Zach looked at me confused, but still smiling.

"Why what?"

I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, hatred piercing my very soul.

"Why are you doing this to me? You were my father for crying out loud! You were my role model, my best friend, the man I use to call daddy and now you're the man that I despise, that I hate. Fathers are supposed to be kind, loving and caring. You once were, but now you're a monster! I was twelve! Only twelve when you fucken destroyed my life forever. Everything went wrong that day, you started to abuse mom and me, you hurt the both of us. Why! Why did you?" I yelled pulling on my handcuffs. I didn't realize I was crying until I sniffled. Zach dropped his smile and sighed once again, he looked a little irritated, but never less he grabbed a chair flipped it so he was straddling the chair and sat in front of me.

"I guess it's time for the truth" he said, while stroking my face, turning my face away from his touch, I looked to the side. He didn't like that at all, next thing you know I feel a harsh tug on the knife and the knife was ripped out of my thigh. Gasping I lean forward, tumbling over the pain from the sudden pull.

"Where should I beginning hmm...Oh yes I should probably start with the fact that you aren't my daughter" he said. I froze.

"What" I asked breathless, not believing him.

"Mia you aren't my daughter or Amanda's daughter."


A/N You guys are probably going to hate me for the cliffhanger...hehe sowwy but boom! Updated will update as soon as I can. Oh and just a side note about Chapter 41: Dirty Cops, about the whole 48 hours. The cops are working with zach since he gained connections and they're just saying 48 hours need to pass before they can report anything is because they aren't going too to do anything they're trying to help Zach keep his plan on track, hope that clears everything up. Alrighty byeeee till next time don't forget to...




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