My Step-Brother A Player?

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A/N okay so I guess this sorta my 2nd book? *thinking face* but anywhore this story is kinda I guess a sister, brother love thing I'm sorry if your not into these stories but check out my-soon-to-be-other-books

But if you do give it a chance I'd really appreciate it :) leave a comment

if you would like me to continue it? of if I'm just wasting my time :) although I would really like to write it but I need your support yeah?



"I can't do this!" Brian exclaim in frustration.

I was trying to teach him how to dance which was kinda hard. I sigh,

"Okay watch my feet okay?"

He nodded. I moved my feet side to side, my left to my right then my right to left I spun around put my hands to the left and did a circular motion while going down, basically the cat daddy.

"Okay I think I got it" he said nodding his head.

He tried, he did the first part right but got confuse on the cat daddy. He look frustrated, I chuckled and he glared at me.

"I don't know how you can do this" he said while crossing his arms and pouting.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a grown-up? Cause last time I check they don't act like kids" I pointed out.

"Shut up I'm only .......39"

I nod my head.

"Why don't we get a snack I'm starving"I said patting my stomach, heading to the kitchen. Brian just followed me.

My mom had been dating Brian for a few months now, or longer I'm not quiet sure with the details and all.

I finally got to meet him, my mom wanted to see if he was THE ONE. Since my dad left, things been rough with us and I didn't think she would ever be happy after what HE did.

I think Brian is pretty cool, I like him so far not a jerk, stuck up, or anything like that. Of course my mom wanted my approval and I approved, he made my mom happy I couldn't deny that and that's all I ever wanted.

So my mom thought it'd be a good idea to have dinner over his house and get to know each other and over the hour we've been messing around as if we were teenagers. I already felt like this was home and I would be very glad to call it too.

"hey honey" my mom said when I walked into the kitchen.

I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"hey mom" I grin.

"are you having fun?"

"hell yeah! I am man you should've introduced me to him ages ago" I said giving her a big smile.

She chuckled "that's good honey I really am happy"

"I'm glad mom"

"hey love" Brian said walking in.

"hey Brian" my mom replied giving him a peck on the lips.

"whoa! PG-13 please I'm still here!" I exclaim covering my eyes.

They both chuckled.

"oh honey before I forget Jared said he'd be here soon"


I lost interest in their conversation as they started talking about work. BORING if you tell me. Opening the fridge I look for something to eat.

Have you ever had that moment were your hungry and it seems like there's nothing in the fridge yet its full? Yeah well that's how I'm feeling right now.

Leaning back I put my thinking face and stroke my fake beard. Finally deciding on a apple, I take of out and take a bite out of it. I went to sit on the counter and chewed on my apple just thinking.

My mom had mention that Brian had a son my age too and that I would most likely meet him today. I just didn't know his name was Jared. Mmm I wonder if we would have that sister brother relationship were we tried to kill each other at every waking moment or would be like bestfriends? Who knows I really hope we are like bestfriends I never had a sibling I was just an only child.

I didn't know how it felt to have a sibling even though I consider

Abigail as my sister I don't think it felt the same.

There was a sound of a door opening and shutting close then a shuffling sounds and keys being place down.

"I'm home!"


A/N I didn't want to spoil any more
:) so good bad? should I continue? what? I don't know! Hehe yeah




*pulls a Mic out*




My Step-Brother A Player?*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now