Chapter 45: Cat and Mouse

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A/N Hellooo okays so I did some thinking about how the book is about to go down and there is about 4 chapters including this one. Now will there be a sequel? I don't know there are a lot of editing I have to make on this book, this was my first book so something's are a little whack, and I think I'm finally getting the hang on this. Plus I have so many other book ideas that are dying to come out and I'm trying to contain myself from starting 8 books at once, that wouldn't be good. Now with a further due, here's the next chapter. 


Zach's P.O.V

Victory that's exactly what I am feeling, I have my little princess back and now the fun can beginning​. It will be like old times pain, screams, blood, and more. That thought it's self brings a smile to my face. Maybe I should go check on my darling, it's been a while since I had the meeting with that idiot, that thought brings anger to flare inside of me, Mia can help me release it though.  I'm sure she is missing me as much as I am missing her.

Turning off the only light source in this abandoned​ hospital I make my way down the hallway. Whistling a little tune to occupied myself and my thoughts. Mia is such a special girl, the only girl to drive me this crazy. Crazy enough to kill, crazy isn't it? I don't know what it is about her, but I don't need to understand it, it's good for me and that's all I need.

My phone starts to ring and vibrate in my pocket, I stop walking and pull it out. Its one of my men, this better be good news.

"Make it quick Jack," I growl.

"Boss they found us, they have the police with them..they're five miles away" he says in all one breath.
No this was not the news I wanted to here. This was exactly the damn opposite, are they really trying to separate me from my little girl? No one is stopping me not even the damn police.

"Gather the boys and initiate plan B" I barked.

"Alright I will get the boys on it" he responds.

"No one leaves alive, am I understood?"

"Yes sir," with that I hang up and march my way to Mia's room quicker then before. Getting closer I see the door is slightly ajar which can mean two things and it better not be the 1st one. I open door and make it slam behind me.

"Oh Mia Darling" I sing into the room.

No respond. the room is darker, the only light bulb in the room was starting to die out, it flickers slightly and casts a shadow.  The shadow is slumped and on the floor. If someone so dared to touch her without my permission and hurt her, they all will die tonight. It's bad enough I have to deal with the police and now my men? Whats next?

I approach the figure, getting closer the silhouette looked muscular, really muscular. If Mia had some how escaped and started working out she gained a lot of fucking muscle. I kneel in front of the figure and take my phone out, turning the flashlight on I turn the figure over and see Mike's fucking face.  

"Fuck!" I yell, standing up I grab my hair in frustration. Growling, I can feel my anger building up even more, kicking the chair attached to Mike, he doesn't even flinch. The smart bitch was able to take down one of  my strongest men, how is that even fucking possible? How hard is it to watch over a little brat? Insignificant fools letting her escape! I was so close, so close having my little girl with me again, but no she has to go wanting to leave and go back to the bitch of mother she has. And then she goes knocking out one of my best men and managed to lock him up. She's stronger than what I gave her credit for, maybe a little too strong. Which means I will need to change my game plan.

I rush out the door and storm towards my office, pulling out my phone alert my men that she has escaped. When I get my hands on that bitch i'm going to make sue she never pulls a stupid stunt like that ever again. She will wish she had never done it, she will become mine, I will tear her down. I've done it once I can do it again.  Deciding to leave my office, I go in search of Mia myself, she couldn't have gone far, she doesn't have a clue where to go. we are playing cat and mouse and I'm the damn cat, stupid little girl. 

Lost in my thoughts and anger I didn't realize I was being followed, not until I was being slammed onto the wall an a arm to my throat.

"Well this is a lovely surprise"



Hello! So I am late on this update, but late;y I have been so busy and work is crazy, plus I'm behind work and cheesiest I am tired. I no longer have meeeee time and its dumb :( But I have made the decision of writing a little something everyday  and when I feel like procrastinating I will just write and not go on facebook as tempting as it is. I need to finish this book and start new work its getting old, I'm sorry guys bear with me. thank you!! Don't forget to




Love Letty<3 

P.s I didnt proof read so um sorrryyyyy for grammar and spelling jizzzz

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