Chapter 43: Knock Knock

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A/N Hey loves I'm back!! So sorry loves for leaving you for almost a year, but let's say I need a little break from secret life of writing. Junior year was a pain, and my want to become a ninja took up a lot of my time, and my computer broke down and all my saved work was gone all my hard work. Sigh but I'm back and yes we are very close to the ending I am estimating about 5 chapters left or so.

Jared: *narrows eyes* you know I hate you right

Me: ufhhhh I can explain?

Jared: No dont, I can't do this right now. I need to find my Mia, my buttercup, my my...

Me:.....Was I really gone for that long? Damn Jared The Mush Ball

Jared: *narrows eyes again* your on thin ice Missy

Me: well....I better go now....enjoy loves!! While I run away from Jared!



There had to be at least fifteen keys for what I had no idea, but I found three small keys that could possibly be the key. Trying the first key, I place the key in the hole with a lot of difficulty, twisting the key to the left I tug the handcuff and nothing, I twist the right and nothing, huffing I try the second key with no success either. My hope shimmered down a little more, oh god please I beg you let the third key be it I prayed. Breathing deeply I place the key in and twist the left nothing, my heart seem to beat louder pulsing in my ear, I twist to the right and click sound was made my eyes widen and I tug my hand free. Quickly I stand up and release my other hand; I was free from the chair now I need to get away from Zach. Placing the ring of keys in my back pocket, I remember I have my phone. I grab my phone and unlock it, I didn't have any service the best I had was a bar. I need to contact somebody, I move around the room trying to find service I could only get about one or two bars best, but it would vanish as quickly as it would come.

"Please give me at least three bars" I whispered to myself, I walked towards to door from where we came in and got three bars.

"Yes! "I yelled and slapped my hand over my mouth praying no one had heard that. A minute or two passed and no one came barging in. Letting a pew out, I quickly dial Jared before I lost signal. It rang, I closed my eyes and prayed he'd answer; I chewed my nail out of habit whenever I was nervous.

"Mia?" he answered.

"Jared oh thank god you answer look I don't have much time-"I said, but he cut me off.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm not sure all I know is that I'm in an abandon building maybe hospital" I said. He mumbled something, I think he was talking to someone else.

"Okay Mia we are coming to get you stay put alright"

"Jared he has men working for him, the place is fully guarded and they are armed"

"Don't worry Mia we have people on our side, I swear we will get you at as soon as possible" he said with so much determination. Biting my lip, I sigh.

"Okay Jared be careful please, you and everyone."

"We will Mia we will."

All I can do is hope they don't get hurt and that whatever they're doing will work.


Jared's P.O.V

After I hung up with Mia, everyone got to work right away. Police officers were moving left to right, making phone calls, moving their fingers feverishly on their computers and going cop mode completely. Looking at the others it was clear what we all felt, hope, hope that Mia will soon return home, to hear her laughter ring through out our conversation, and her devilish playful ways of teasing me and Connor to no end. That's the hope that was spreading like a wild fire in out hearts.
       "Mia is okay, she's okay, oh thank you God, thank you" she whispered as she slowly fell into my dad's arms. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly, whispering sweet words of comfort to her. Tears running down her face, hopefully tears, not the sad tears that she cried this morning. No she didn't have the anguish in her eyes, she had firely determination in her eye, she wanted her daughter back and she was going to find her one way or another. Amanda was strong, but she was stronger when Mia was with her. They were each other's rock, when one sank the other floated them both to the surface.

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