Challenge Accepted.

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"Well maybe if you tell me I can at least try to understand." Harry tried. You put your face in your hands and shook your head. "Harry I can't tell you. I want you to continue hanging out with me because you like me, not because you pity me." You explain. He looks at you confused. "But I already do hang out with you because I like you. And I would never hang out with someone because I pity them. I pity Malfoy but do you see me sitting next to him in class or walking with him in the halls?" He asks. You shake your head. "I guess not." you say simply. "If I pity someone, I will be kind to them and help them, not be best friends with them or have a crush on them." He mumbled the last part. You look at him and after a short staring contest (which you won), you sighed, nodded and pulled up your pant leg again. You could trust Harry. He was kindhearted. He was confused at what you were doing at first and then he saw your scar. "Wha- who- why- how- Are you okay?" He manages out. You nod as a tear slips down your cheek. "Harry, I didn't do this to myself if that's what you think." You state, clearing it for him. "I didn't think you did. You don't need to tell me anymore if you don't want to." He said, wiping the tears from your face. You sniffle and reply; "no, Harry, you deserve to know. I can't just show you my scars and then leave you to wonder. You could be thinking that someone tried sexually assaulting me and I tried to fight back. Which didn't happen, I'm a virgin and intend to stay that way for a pretty long time. But you deserve to know. It was my aunt. She treated me worse than Cinderella by her step-mother." You said. How did you know about that Muggle fairytale? Well you basically grew up in a house where you were only allowed to do chores, read, study and listen to Muggle music, which you didn't mind. Fall Out Boy was pretty awesome. Along with Led Zeppelin and AC/DC and MCR and the list goes on and on. 

"Oh." Was all Harry could manage. "Yeah." You say. "Harry, I didn't not like the kiss." You add, changing the subject. "You didn't? I mean you did? I mean, you don't hate me right now?" He asked. You shake your head. "Harry I may have only known you for a short time but I like you, I trust you and believe me I don't trust easily. I partly still don't fully trust Jake. I want to but I just can't yet." "It's understandable considering what you've been through." And with that the pond area went silent. "Well, I'm going to kick Malfoy out." You say, regaining your confidence and getting up. "Alright. You don't mind if I hang out here for a bit, do you?" He asks, staying seated. "Sure, go ahead." You reply, walking away.

"MALFOY! HERE, NOW!" You yell, seeing Malfoy still talking to your brother. Jake quickly ran up to you and crushed you in a hug. "I'm so sorry, I should have written you and I should have fought for you or at least told someone about you." He rambled. "Jake if you don't get off of me I WILL bite you." You threaten, and not in a joking way. He lets go of you partially but keeps his hands on your shoulders. "Y/N, sis, N/N, please, you have to accept my apology! I'm your brother!" He pleaded. "But how can I forgive you if I don't trust you, Jake?! I can't trust you to have my back! The only thing I can truly trust you to do is beat up my future boyfriends! Which reminds me, Malfoy, get your ass over here now." You say, directing your attention from Jake to Malfoy. He smirked and walked over. "Are you implying I'm one of your future boyfriends?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You scoff. "If that ever were to happen, you'd be the boyfriend that is too handsy and then someone like Harry or Fred would come along and show me what a real gentleman looks like." You state as Jake scoffs. "Is that a challenge, L/N?" Malfoy smirked. You chuckle and reply; "Malfoy, you can interpret it in anyway you like. I'm just saying IF I ever did date you, you wouldn't be a keeper. you'd be a chaser and once the game is done, you'd hang up your broomstick until you found someone else to womanize." You state. "Was that supposed to sound dirty?" Malfoy countered. You rolled your eyes and then looked at him, your nose very close to his, you could feel his breath. "I'm just saying, you're no gentleman, never have been, never will be." You state, looking deep into his smoky eyes. He narrowed them. "Challenge accepted." He smirked and walked off, leaving you confused. Before you left eye view you yelled, "LEAVING WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE ISN'T SOMETHING A GENTLEMAN WOULD DO!" And you could just FEEL his smirk. 

"Y/N you HAVE to lis-" "I don't have to do anything, Jake. And you may think I am overreacting, which is a perfectly reasonable claim, but excuse me for having feelings and these memories that you did NOTHING to stop from scarring me. I'm sorry Jake, but this is not something you can bug me into doing." You concluded and stalked off. You were friends with Jake but you were never VERY close. Whatever, you just need to stop worrying about him. You walk into the castle and head back to the library, figuring you could catch up on studying.

Hermione, being Hermione, was also at the library. "Hey 'Mione." You greet, using the short term for her name. "Hey, come to study?" She asked, looking up from her book. That's a first. "You know it." You reply, sitting next to her. "Whatcha reading?" You ask. You snatch the book from her and her only response is a pout. The book she was reading was Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. "Oh interesting. Chapter 6 on the Hippogriff was my personal favourite. Other beasts don't really interest me. Well, I do find Pheonix very-" "What's going on between you and Harry. Oh my God I'm so sorry! It's none of my business but it was bugging me......" Hermione interrupted. You chuckle. "It's alright. Harry and I are okay. He kissed me and I didn't not like it and i told him one of my deepest darkest secrets so we're alright." You explain. "Wait you liked the kiss?!" She squealed as the librarian shushed her. "Shhh! Yes, it was a good kiss. It was sweet and simple and it was good." You whisper. "Oooh are we talking about (insert your ship name with Harry here and comment it)? You guys would be so cute!" Ron says, sitting with you guys. "Really? I think (insert your ship name with Fred here and also comment it) would be cuter." You smirk as Ron goes kind of red. "He's not the Weasley you should be snogging." He shoots back. "Oh? George? Nah he's not Fred. And your other brothers are kinda old for me Ronald." You state, purposely being oblivious to the fact he meant himself. "No, I meant my little sister Ginny. I meant me! Bloody hell, Y/N." He said as Hermione rolled her eyes. "I know we hate Malfoy and I but you guys are kinda perfect for each other Y/N." She stated as you fake gagged. "Malfoy? Me? What's all this shit about us dating all of a sudden? Apparently he's trying to be a perfect gentleman to prove to me he can be one." "See? He loves you, otherwise he wouldn't care about being a gentleman, God knows he's not to me." Hermione said to you. "He could just be trying to be my friend." You disagree. "Well, I still think you two should date. (Your ship name with Malfoy/Draco here and comment it) for life."



Hey guys! 

So I've probably been annoying my friend over the past couple or days because I was TOTALLY GUSHING ABOUT HOW MANY VIEWS THIS STORY HAS GOTTEN! ERMAGERD I'M SO HAPPY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I hope you guys are liking this so far!

I would like to give a special THANK YOU to all the people who have voted or commented so far. It makes me feel very confident about my writing.... except this chapter. I'm so sorry if this chapter sucked. It's just a little filler and it's like 3:00 am and I'm tired and annoyed with my sister so please be patient with me for the time being. I PROMISE you there will be something better for you guys to read tomorrow! I'm thinking about adding You-Know-Who in soon so keep reading if you wanna see that! (Not him but him on Quirrell, you know what I mean) Don't forget to Comment your ship names!


-The Angel

May The Best Man Win. (Draco x Reader x Harry x Fred) *COMPLETED*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu