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Dobby brought out all the food for you guys but you honestly didn't feel hungry.... that's a first. "So you're head girl and a prefect?" Narcissa asked. "Yes, I work really hard." You reply. It's true, you worked your ass off for this position. "She's better than me." Draco added. "Of course I am, I don't spend my time complaining that Gryffindor beat us in Quidditch to Nabbe and Doyle." You blurted. Oops. You mentally slapped yourself. LOVEY-DOVEY, Y/N! "It's been four years and you still haven't learned their names." He says, nodding in disapproval. "They're not my friends." You reply. "Speaking of your friends, why are you friends with those Mudbloods and blood traitors?" Lucius asked. You choked on your own spit. "Excuse me? What did you just call them?" Draco's eyes went wide. The last thing he wanted right now was for his new girlfriend and his father to fight. "I called them as they are. So answer my question." Lucius demanded. "I'm friends with them because they are good people unlike someone in this room." You responded sassily. You would take harassment on your part but on your friends's? No way. "Yes, Draco isn't the best person in the world." He said, looking at his son disapprovingly. You face palm. "Yeah, because I was totally talking about Draco." You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. This brought you to remember what your brother, Jake, had said to you many years ago. 'How stuck up can one get?' You didn't miss Jake but you didn't not miss him. "Miss L/N I would appreciate it if-" "Mr. Malfoy I would appreciate it if you got to the point. Why am I here? Does this have something to do with Voldemort? I can tell you obviously have no interest in me so what is this about?" You interrupt. "It is in fact about The Dark Lord." Lucius said. "We were told to convince you to come on his side." Narcissa added. You blink. "Okay." Is 'all you can mutter'. Again, acting skills. "Okay?" Draco asked in shock. He agreed to try and get you (partly because he loves you) but he thought you would never say okay to that, he thought you were just sucking up to his father when you said you lived to serve The Dark Lord. "Okay." (vote for the TFIOS reference? lol) "I'll do it." There was a moment where everyone just watched you in silence, expecting you to burst out laughing and say it was a joke. This night has been very confusing. "Y-you will?" Draco gulped. Voldemort scares the bejebees outta Draco and he didn't want you anywhere near someone as evil and bad as him. "Yeah. I've been considering it ever since I found out you were a Death Eater, Mr. Malfoy. I don't want that fugly tattoo, though." You say, making a face. "I'm sure something can be arranged. I will be back." Lucius said, getting up and leaving the table. "Why don't you eat, dear?" Narcissa asked, pointing to your plate. For some reason, you really had the feeling you shouldn't eat the turkey on the plate in front of you. "I'm not really hungry, the Weasley twins were testing potions on me and I don't really feel like consuming anything more." You lied. Well, it's not completely a lie, the twins had tested stuff on you before that made you not-hungry, just not today. "They what?" Malfoy asked, seeming slightly angered. Oops.... "Yeah, but it's fine, hon, they do it all the time, their sister Ginny was there with me and they were testing potions for pranks." You explained, trying to act like it was completely normal. "Hon?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. You roll your eyes. "That's all you got from that?" He nodded. "You two are very cute, indeed. I'm glad you chose Malfoy over Weasley or Potter." A new, yet familiar, voice said from the door. You turn to see a very..... not attractive, pale, bald man with no nose. Hehe, new nickname for Voldemort. Lord No-Nose. You burst out laughing. "Um, what's so funny?" Malfoy asked as you calmed a bit, grinning. He thought our laugh was very cute. "Um, nothing. Hello, My Lord." You said, standing and curtseying. "Words I never expected to come out or your mouth, L/N." He replied, bowing back. Yeah, well neither did you. "Well, neither did I, but people change." You smirked at Malfoy. "I see that. You no longer fear me, I also see." He stated, sitting next to you. "I never feared you. Not much scares me." You say confidently. Not much ever scared you. You were never afraid of the dark, death, monsters. "Well that can be a great strength but a grave weakness." Mr. Malfoy said, coming back in and sitting in his original spot. "Yes, I'm aware. Anyways, I'm prepared to switch over to your side, My Lord, my one condition that I mustn't wear the Death Eater's tattoo or mark or whatever." You state, facing Lord No-Nose. "Alright. I've heard you wear shorter clothes, anyways, wouldn't want anyone seeing it. You must keep under cover, do not act weird around your 'friends' and don't act any more evil than you were. Meet here every weekend at 7:00, is that alright, Lucius?" He said, changing his attention from you to Lucius. He was obviously in a better mood than usual because Draco didn't look as scared as you thought he would in the presence of the Darkest wizard in the world. Lucius gulped. "Yes, of course, my Lord." He approved. "Alright, Draco, Y/N, return to Hogwarts. Now." He said more hostile than before.  Draco's expression went more frightened so he took out his wand, grabbed your arm and apparated back to school. "Well that went well." You sighed. "Yeah.... it did...... He must be very pleased you are coming to his side, because he usually isn't like that." Draco replies. "He might just be afraid that if he's too harsh to me, he'll lose me." You smirked. It could be, not likely though. "We should probably get back tot the common room before Filch has our heads." Malfoy whispers, putting his nose against yours. "Probably a good-" "Y/N L/N WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? MALFOY GET OFF HER NOW!" Called..... George? What the hell. Before either of you could say anything, George grabbed your arm and pulled you into the school. "What the hell, George?" You asked as he continued pulling you up a staircase. "Trust me, you'll be glad you're coming with me and not snogging Malfoy.... Well, okay, maybe not glad but you'll sure as hell be satisfied when you fix my problem." He replied. He pulled you into the Gryffindor tower, not caring if you heard the password and you saw their common room completely trashed. You looked at George confused. Did he expect you to clean this? "STUPEFY!" You heard to your right. You turned to see Harry pointing his wand at Fred, Fred flying backwards and hitting the wall. "HOLY SHIT HARRY WHAT THE-" "AGUAMENTI!" And Harry was enveloped in water. "Okay, you know what?" You walked over to Fred, grabbed his wand, went over to the now-drenched Harry and took his, too. "Sit. Now." You said, pointing to the couch. They did as told but kept sending each other death glares. "Now would someone please like to explain what the hell is going on?!" You practically shouted. Thank God Snape hadn't been here to hear them, they'd be toast. "HE STARTED IT!" They said in unison. You closed your eyes in anger, trying to think of what to do. "Harry, go to your dorm, now." You ordered. Harry looked at you like 'WHAT? WHY ME?!' But  went anyways. "Now, Fred, are you going to tell me or am I sending you to your dorm and having Harry tell me?" You asked. He didn't even look at you. He had his arms crossed and was looking at George in anger. "Fred." You said sternly. No reply. "Is this about me? Is that why you look so pissed at your brother? Because he brought me to interrupt a fight about me? Oh my God, you're STILL not over me....... Well I kinda can't do anything about that right now, Fred." You said. He didn't make eye contact with you, but he did with the floor. "HARRY!" You called. He came and sat back down on the couch. "You're fighting over me?" You asked him. He slowly nodded. Dammit, why do you always have to be right? "Now, is this fight about keeping me safe, a difference of opinion? Or is this something else?" You asked, knowing the answer. Now both the boys were looking down. "This isn't right. I'm not even dating one of you and you're fighting over me anyways. Get over yourselves." You said and stormed out, George following you. "Woah woah woah, easy." He tried to stop you and succeeded. "What started this?" You asked, pissed. "Harry was telling Ron how mad he was about you running off with Malfoy and Fred said he was madder and Harry said he didn't really care and he wasn't in the mood to fight over a girl he didn't even had but then Fred said Harry should lay off of you because he's like you since your first year and Harry said he saw you first and then they started shooting spells." George explained in one breath. You looked down. "Y'know, I was 12 back then, shouldn't even have had my first kiss yet. Harry was my first kiss, actually. Fred my second.... But now they're saying they love me and fighting over me? George we have bigger problems. Voldemort thinks I'm a Death Eater now and Malfoy is being really nice and sweet and I might actually be falling for him but do you know how that would kill them?" You stressed. How did everything become so damn complicated? "Yes. Yes I do. But for now, we'll have to tame them and focus more on the war. We have only one horcrux so far and we don't even know how to destroy it." George agreed. "You look very pretty tonight, by the way." He added. "Oh no, not you too." You joked and you both laughed. "No, I think I like someone in my year." He admitted. "Awww, my little Georgie is growing up so fast." You gushed, flicking his ear. "Oi, I'm older than you, woman." He grinned. Just then, Harry ran out. "Listen, Y/N, I'm so sorry, I know Fred and I shouldn't be focusing on our petty crushes on you and focusing on the horcruxes. We should be working together, not against each other." He apologized. "It's okay, Harold. Just please, you need to realize that something huge this way comes and none of us are prepared." You said, handing him his and Fred's wands. "Goodnight." You added and made you way towards the Slytherin common room. There was nobody there, weird. You heard hissing, however. You looked around to see a huge snake. "Woah, what are you doing here?" You asked, kneeling down to pat its head. "Ssahamohasss." It said, but that's not what you heard. You heard "I was sent by my master." Woah woah woah. You can talk to snakes now? What the hell? That is not something you wanted to do. You weren't a descendant of Slytherin. Or so you thought. What Voldemort had failed to tell you was that he had been with your great grandmother, once. Before she was married. She had your grand mother out of wedlock but her husband thought that the evil Tom Riddle had raped her, so he didn't get mad. They raised the baby together and your grandmother had your mother, who had you. Tom Riddle/Voldemort, being a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, must have given you that gene. "Well, your master shouldn't be sending you where people can see you, go back home." You ordered. The snake did so just as Malfoy came in. "Hey, Princess, what did Weasley need?" He asked, pulling you into a hug. "Apparently George can't control his twin or Harry, who were fighting, it's fine." You shrugged. "Alright. So are you serious about this whole Death Eater thing? You seemed so insolent about it years back." He said. You nodded and put your arms around his neck (like, in a hug) for effect. "Yes, I am. I now know were I truly belong and nothing can stop me from being there." You said truthfully. "I love you." Malfoy grinned. A general grin along with an I love you? Wow um..... You simply smiled and put your ear to his chest, unsure of what to say. You guys just stood there, your head against his chest, when you noticed the piano in the corner of the room. "When did that get here?" You asked, walking towards it. "No clue....." He replied. You sat on the piano bench and placed your fingers on the keys. Your aunt had a piano. Of course, she never let you play unless you played a song of her choosing. She always chose the same song; Perfect by Hedley. You didn't mind that so much, Hedley was a great band. Along with the chords, you learned the lyrics. You started playing, trying to remember the notes as you play. It really was a beautiful song. When you finished the intro, you completely forgot Malfoy was there and out of habit, you sang along:

"Falling a thousand feet per second, 

you still take my by surprise,

I just know we can't be over,

I can see it in your eyes.

Making every kind of silence, 

it takes a lot to realize,

it's worse to finish than to start all over and never let it lie.

And as long as I can feel you holding on,

I won't fall,

even if you said I wrong.

I'm not perfect,

but I keep trying,

'cause that's what I said I would do from the start.

I'm not alive if I'm lonely,

so please don't leave,

was it something I said or just my personality?"

Then you continued on with the instrumental and: 

"Making every kind of silence,

it takes a lot to realize,

it's worse to finish than to start all over and never let it lie.

And as long as I can feel you holding on,

I won't fall,

even if you said I was wrong.

I know that I'm not perfect,

but I keep trying,

'cause that's what I said I would do from the start.

I'm not alive if I'm lonely,

so please don't leave,

was it something I said or just my personality?

When you're caught in a lie and you've got nowhere to hide,

when you've got nowhere to run and you've got nothing inside.

It tears right through me, 

I thought that you knew me, 

I thought that knew.......

I'm not perfect,

but I keep trying."

You ended. You kinda butchered the song a bit but that's how you learned to play it. You felt a hand on your back and that's what brought you back to earth. "That was beautiful." Malfoy said. "Just like you." He added. Oh no that was bad. You chuckled. "That was..... so..... cheesy." He grinned. "But I like it." You added. You got up and stepped on your tippy toes to kiss him, for effect, of course, (okay maybe not) until you heard a shriek from the doorway leading into the girl's dormitories. "DRAKIE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BITCH GET AWAY FROM HIM!" You stood flat-foot again and turned around to face Pansy Parkinson, smiling cockily. "I'm the bitch? At least I'm not pining over someone else's boyfriend. Jeez, how low can you get, Parkinson?" You shot back, still smiling. You didn't know why, but you were in a smiling mood. "Your BOYFRIEND?! DRAKIE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEE?" She fell to her knees. "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?" You look back at Draco who seemed utterly confused. Sigh. Boys, they don't understand girls. But you did so let's kick her while she's down. "Because he doesn't love you, honey." You say, shaking your head in pity, still smiling. "Nope, those three words are reserved for you." Malfoy whispered in your ear as your eyes went wide. Thank Merlin's beard he can't see your face. Pansy, now in tears on the floor, was starting to get a little bit pathetic. "Here, hon, let's get you up to bed." You said, grabbing her arm. "DON'T BLOODY TOUCH ME!" She yelled and stomped up to her dorm. "Um wow okay." You muttered. "Now where were we?" Malfoy asked, smirking. "I don't know about you, but I was going up to bed, night." You smiled, kissed his cheek and went to your dorm, where you slept a sleep full of weird ass dreams, as always.

May The Best Man Win. (Draco x Reader x Harry x Fred) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now