And The Winner Is.

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"And that, my dear Y/N, is because if you weren't in Slytherin or if you weren't a pureblood, you wouldn't be the same person as you are right now. I'm here today because I like the person you are, not some smartass Ravenclaw or too-bubbly Hufflepuff." Malfoy concluded. Well that took a turn and you couldn't tell if it was for the best or for the worse. "Okay, for your information, I already am a smartass and I can be too-bubbly. You haven't seen me when I'm excited." You sassed. "Well it's something I would like to see. Excitement is something I would like to experience with you. I could lose this trial and watch you creepily or get into fights like usual, or I could win and prove to you that I'm worthy for you." He said with one of the most sincere look in his eyes. "And would you be with me just because I'm a pureblood? Because it would make your parents proud to bring home someone like me for Christmas?" You asked, that was your final question and you hoped it worked in your favour. "No, it's like when I'm with you, I don't care what you are." "Though you care what Hermione is or Ron or Harry? My friends and I are a package deal. You get me, you get them. Now I assume that won't be a problem with Mr. Weasley but when it comes to you, I don't think 'daddy' will approve of you hanging out with 'blood traitors' or 'Mudbloods'. Would this affect anything?" Okay, now you were just going along with it, desperate for Fred to win. "God I hope not. This right here is why I like you, you're smart and good with words. When you want something, you work for it." Okay he's lying. He's under oath, though..... There's no way Malfoy cares about you actually. "And what would you do if Mr. Weasley won this trial?" You asked. This is your last question. You decided you don't need George to testify. "What would I do? Well I'd be embarrassed that I lost to a blood traitor like him but I'd keep working for you. Like you said before, I want something, I get it. I. Want. You." He stated. 

You and him started yet another staring contest, this one a bit more tension. Ron was right, it wasn't awkward tension. It was take me on this table tension...... Well not actually because you were 11. "Alright, I've heard all I need to. The jury and I will discuss this and we will be done in a while, meanwhile, you kids go talk out your problems by Y/N's pond." Hermione stated and gavelled. Where she got the gavel you had no clue, probably magic. "Alright. Litt, Malfoy, Fred, follow me." You said, walking towards the pond. 

The walk there was silent, nobody said a word until you sat down. "Nice speech, Malfoy. Where'd you steal it from?" Fred asked sarcastically. Oh dear, here we go. "You think I actually believe you have feelings for Y/N? Codswallop." He continued. "Oi, you know nothing about me." Malfoy defended himself. "Well I know you're a prick, does that count for anything?" Fred shot back. You looked at Litt and he was already looking at you. "And I know that you you don't deserve to practice the art of magic, does that?" Malfoy replied. "Oi! Malfoy! Lay off Fred or deal with me!" You threatened. "Well I could deal with you in many ways, Y/N, a fight is not one of them." He said, smirking. Your jaw dropped. Did he actually just say that? "To be honest, by the way your lips move when you talk, I think Fred is a better kisser, anyways." You smirk. "Well, thank you, I've had practice." Fred smirked back. You roll your eyes and smack his shoulder playfully. "If you guys are so willing to kiss then do it, otherwise please stop flirting until the verdict is in." Litt said politely. Fred leaned in for a kiss but you pushed his face away. "Litt is right. You can't go spending victory money you don't have yet, Fredward." "I said stop flirting." Litt reminded. "What? I call everyone by a nickname, I call Hermione, 'Mione, Ron, Ronald, even though that's his full name so not really a nickname.... I call Harry, Harold and George, Georgiffer." You state. "Well unless you can come up with a nickname for my client, you have to stop." "Does Malfoy not count as a nickname?" You joke. "Nope." Malfoy states. "Well what do you want me to call you? Does Dray Dray tickle your interest? We both know that's not me at all, Malfoy." You argue. What the hell? Now you can't even call your friend by his nickname? "Blech don't call me that, Parkinson calls me that.... or something along those lines.... I'm too busy thinking about you to notice." He said smoothly. Damn that boy knows how to talk his way into things. "And I'm too busy snogging Fred to notice you not noticing Parkinson." You shoot, referring to yesterday when you and Fred kissed. "Well to be fair you were acting like you weren't into it..... when really I knew you were." Fred smirked. "Oh really? How do you know that?" You raised your eye brow. "Because you blushed when I pulled out." "I DID NOT! YOU'RE SUCH A LIAR, WEASLEY!" You yell, blushing. "See? You're blushing again!" He chuckles. "I swear to Merlin if I had a book right now I'd smack you upside the head with it. Oh what the hell." You say, smacking Fred upside the head. "Ouch. Note to self, don't tease you in front of Malfoy and his lawyer." He whimpered, rubbing his head. Malfoy snickered. "You won't be taking notes when I win this trial." He stated cockily. His statement didn't even make 100% sense but it's Malfoy so it never does.

"WE HAVE MADE A DECISION!" Panted Crabbe who looked like he had ran the whole way here. "Alright, thank you, Crabbe, you go ahead, we'll be there in a moment." You say.... politely? Crabbe looks at you confused but just shakes his head and leaves. Then, everyone else looks at you confused. "What? I can't be polite once in a while?" You ask, getting up. "Um no.... you're you." Fred said, putting his arm around you. "Well excuse me for being a bit nervous to see who I have to go on a date with. This trial could actually be deciding my whole future. Oh dear Lord, I put my future in the hands of Crabbe and Goyle." You gasp. Fred chuckles. "One, I'm pretty sure one trial while you're 11 won't decide your ENTIRE future. Two, Harry, George, Ron and Hermione are there, too." He tries to console. "Like that would do anything, you heard Granger, she likes Y/N with me. And Weasley can't tell a piece of bread to a chunk of wood." Malfoy says without his usual meanness. Maybe he's a bit nervous, too. No, he can't be... "Oi! That's my brother you're talking about." "Oh, sorry." Malfoy mumbled. You stop. "D-did you just? Did he just? Have I stepped into a parallel universe or.... oh my God I think I'm gonna be sick.." You say, holding your head and stomach. You can feel your face flushing. Your insides twisting and you felt dizzy. "Are you alright?" Fred asks, putting his hand on your back for support and looking at you, concerned. "No, I think I'm going to be sick." You emphasize, repeating yourself. "It's fine, let's just keep going." You say, continuing to walk, but fall. "Shit." You mutter. "Oh my God, Y/N are you okay?" Malfoy asked, kneeling down beside you. "Yep, all fine and dandy. The dirt is delicious." You reply sarcastically, getting up. He chuckles and lets you lean on him for support. "Dude, I'm fine, I can walk." You say, walking by yourself. 

When you guys got back to the Black Lake the jury had you guys sit back down, especially you because you weren't looking well. "Alright everyone, the jury and I have made a decision." Hermione states. "We declare that the winner of this trial is-"

"MISS L/N! MISS L/N! I NEED YOU FOR A MOMENT!" Yelled Dumbledore, interrupting Hermione and running towards you. "Woah, what's wrong?" You ask, standing up. "Oh my dear, you're not looking well, come, you can help me quickly and I'll get you to the hospital wing." He said, grabbing your arm and leading you to the castle.



Do you guys hate me yet?

May The Best Man Win. (Draco x Reader x Harry x Fred) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now