Voldemort Did It.

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"Professor, what am I doing here?" You ask, sitting in Dumbledore's office. He hadn't said a word since  you were at the lake. "I've been told you don't know how your parents died." He stated simply, sitting down. "No, I don't, sir." You replied. "I don't even know what they look like, let alone how they died." You added. "Well, it's my duty to tell you what happened." He said, keeping his eye contact. "It was Voldemort."

"Is that supposed to scare me?" You asked. If it was, it wasn't working. "No. It's supposed to scar you, do you have any unexplainable scars?" He replied. "Well I apparently have a music note on my wrist. I never realized it was there before." You answered, showing him your wrist. "Y/N, this is no music note. It may be to Muggles but certainly isn't here......" "But Malfoy thought it was a music note and he's nowhere near being a Muggle." You responded, confused. "Everyone else sees it as a music note. But I, the Order and the Death Eaters know differently." He explained. "This isn't a new and improved Dark Mark, is it?" You gulped. You had no intention of ever being evil, no matter what mark was on your body. "No, it's a warning." He stated. "A warning for what?" "Who knows. I just know that there's a chance Voldemort let you live. This scar is kind of like Harry's, maybe you should talk to him." Dude, I don't know what to say to you, let alone Harry. "What do I say?" You ask. "Tell him that he's not alone. He's not the only child to live. You're one of his kind." 

Meanwhile, everyone was back at Black Lake, deciding what to do now. "Order! Shall I continue on to tell you?" Hermione asked. Everyone nodded. "Very well. I'm pleased to say that the vote went to-" "GUYS! GUYS THERE'S A BUTTERFLY CHASING ME!" Neville Longbottom yelled, running towards them. "Oh for Merlin's sake, Longbottom! We're trying to see who won this trial!" Malfoy snapped. "T-trial?" Neville stuttered. "Yes! Now go play with your butterfly and leave us alone!" Malfoy ordered. Neville left and that left the two boys looking intently at Hermione. "Mnrefy" Hermione muttered, not wanting to be the one to disappoint one of the boys. "Sorry, what was that?" Fred asked. "Malfoy." She muttered again. "What? Hermione you have to speak more clearly!" Fred said. "I said Malfoy! Malfoy wins, case closed." She gavelled and all the chairs disappeared, making everyone fall straight on their asses. Fred just sat there like he had just watched an adorable puppy be run over by a truck. Malfoy was smiling, for real, and excited. Nobody really knew if his feelings were 100% real but he seemed happy. He decided to come see you at the hospital wing, catch you up on what had happened.

When he got there, you were sitting on the floor next to a bed. He chuckled and sat next to you. "Care to explain why we're on the floor?" He asked. Suddenly he seemed all nice and you mean, what the bloody hell did this trial do to him? He APOLOGIZED to Fred. That wasn't like him at all. "Well I just got the most disturbing news and it made me feel even more sick and my legs gave out before I could get to the bed so I gave up and decided to just sit on the floor." You explained. "Would you like me to tuck you in?" He smirked. "Nope, I'm good." You said, reaching for the pillow and blanket and lying on the floor, making a little bed for yourself. "So what was this disturbing news?" Malfoy asked, lying on his side, looking at you. "Something about Voldemort killing my parents and leaving me with my music not scar which in fact is not a music note, it's some sort of warning or mark or something. Dumbledore says he's seen it before on only one other person." "Who?" "Tom Riddle." "Who's that?" "I can't say." "Why not?" "Because Dumbledore said I can't trust anyone with any of this information." "Yet you trust me?" He asked, looking at you in confusion. "Well, you won the trial, right? I might as well tell you my deepest darkest secrets if we'll be going on a date. Either that's how it works or somehow you broke down my walls." You stated. Did he? Were your walls down? "Oh alright..... How did you know I had won the trial?" He asked, even more confused. "Well the crinkles on your forehead you didn't have before, probably because you don't smile often, only smirk. And I'm assuming if Fred had won you wouldn't be here to tell me that, he would be." You explain. "You're way smarter than I thought." He said. "Are you implying you thought I was an idiot?" "On the first day of school I did. I absolutely hated you but there was something about you that pulled me in." He admitted. "Hey, Y/N! How are you feeling?" Asked Harry, flopping on the bed that was supposed to be yours. "I feel like shit, how are you?" You ask, mimicking his happy tone. "I'm well. Am I interrupting something?" He asked. "No." "Yes." You and Malfoy said in unison. "No, Harry, you're not." "Malfoy! What are you doing, get off the floor! L/N, what are you doing on the floor?" Snape explained, walking in. "Well, Professor, I fell and didn't get back up." You explained, deciding it would be better to not lie to Snape. Malfoy got up before Snape could reply. "Well you better, Miss L/N, I've come to talk to you and Mr. Malfoy so Potter, out." He ordered. What's going on? Harry nodded and walked out shyly. You got up and set your bed up, sitting up straight on it. "What can I do for you, Professor Snape?" You asked politely. "Well, as you two know, you are my best students, my best Slytherins." He began. "Yes.....?" You say. "And I've been told about your scar, Miss L/N." "Wow news travels fast around here." You state. "Malfoy I need you to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble as long as that mark is on her wrist." Snape said, getting right to the point. "What!? No! I don't need a babysitter, sir!" You argue. "Well you are ill and for now you do. Malfoy will miss his classes to stay here with you, he'll make sure you don't die or try and leave before you are well and if anything bad were to come in, he'd make sure you weren't injured." Snape ordered. "Wait wait wait. You're saying I need to be protected? By Malfoy? Sir you and I both know I could take him in my sleep!" You continue to argue. "Hey!" "Oh shut up, Malfoy." You snapped at him. "Miss L/N, please just accept Mr. Malfoy's assistance and don't do anything stupid." He concluded and left. "So it looks like we'll be spending some time together." Malfoy smirked.

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