And So It Begins.

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"Malfoy, listen and listen good. I don't have a love interest at the moment. It's just me, Patrick Stump and Jensen Ackles. OH! And Ian Somerhalder, can't forget Ian. Anyways, moral is that I can't focus on boys right now. That means no you, no Harry and no Fred. I need to focus on the task at hand." You stated. You were so done. You were sorry for everything you had done to lead the boys on at all but you were so done. The others were starting on the horcruxes so you could focus. You were sure the war would be coming soon. You could already hear the spells being cast. No, you actually could. You sat up in your bed to see red and green lights everywhere, several patronuses and many figures in dark hoods. It was official. The war had begun. And your arm was broken. Brilliant.

May The Best Man Win. (Draco x Reader x Harry x Fred) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now