Stereotypical Christian Girl

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Some stereotype a Christian Girl as boring, weird and lame. She wears skirts that reach her ankles, she doesn't have a social life, she is waaaaay tooo conservative, and doesn't have a clue about new trends and boys.

Nah. They're wrong.

Not all Christian girls are old-fashioned. It mainly depends on their personality. But here are stuff about the girls I know:

1. They do have a bunch of friends.
2. They have fashion sense. I enjoy shopping and I wear shorts although I don't show too much skin.
3. They have celebrity crushes. Like K-Pop guys or hollywood celebrities, etc.
4. They know about new trends.
5. We are open to do fun stuff as long as they are not illegal.
6. Not all Christian girls are clueless when it comes to boys. I know Christian girls who are dating.

What I'm trying to point out is that being close to God during your teenage years isn't boring. It doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your social life or social media (I love Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter). BUT OF COURSE PUT GOD FIRST,  OKAY? Being a teenage Christian doesn't mean you have to wear dorky clothes either.

Being a Christian teenager is all about God -not about you or anyone else. Despite everything going on in your life, you should still put Him at the center. It's fulfilling and overwhelmingly blissful to have relationship with God. It's when you experience a transformation and a changed perspective that will make you find joy in Him, feeling loved and assured of your salvation and having discernment in everything that you do.

From a Christian Girl's PerspectiveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz