season of numbness & season of pruning

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Hello amazing, redeemed, beautiful people!

I read something on Twitter and it spoke to me like crazy. I have honestly forgotten from whose account it is from but basically, it talks about how it's okay if there are times when we don't get a huge revelation during our devotional time, or when we couldn't cry ourselves to tears during worship or when we feel like we couldn't relate to the preaching. It's okay because just like the weather, we all go through rainy days, cloudy days, sunny days, windy days. The thing is, even when we are so numb or even when we are so hurt, we should keep pursuing Him. There will be times when we go through a season where we couldn't feel Him but at that season, remember that He is still good. 

A sister in Christ posted in Facebook, "There will be times when we won't understand God's will, but we have to remember that it is what is good for us." We see things from an absolutely different perspective, but God sees things from an eternal perspective. At your highest point, do you ask, "God, will I still praise you and pursue you as much as I am doing right now, if the success and happiness that I am enjoying right now all dissipate into thin air?"

We all have to bear fruit, right? In order to produce the good fruit, to become better, we need to be pruned to remove the rotten parts and we have to expect that that pruning process may hurt. The enemy rejoices when we drift away from God at such a challenging season, but what absolutely terrifies him is when we still choose to praise God and grow in our intimacy with Him amidst the pain, so keep pursuing Him. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Prayer warrior, you are armed with such a strong weapon and that is God's promise. Speak His word over your situation and you will see how powerful it actually is. Everyday, pray to put on the full armor of God mentioned in Ephesians 6: 14-17. You have no idea of how much spiritual warfare might be going on in your life right now and you must know that God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind.

God bless you!

From a Christian Girl's PerspectiveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin