Almighty, Loving Father (Poem)

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Random Note: So in the last chapter I talked about how everything had been a disaster so I sent a letter to our pastor about how I want to quit. But he was so nice and understanding about it and said he repected my decision but he was willing to help me and that was so kind of him and I'm certain he will be greatly blessed. It's amazing how fast God answers prayers!
Almighty, Loving Father

You are amazingly beautiful but why can you not see,
That it's not how others see you that defines your beauty,
You do not need people's validation or that popular kid's party invitation
Just so that you could look in the mirror and see you as God's unique creation.

Why listen to people's bullying when God made you wonderfully,
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're dumb, fat, lame or ugly
God sees you as deserving that He let Jesus die for you selflessly
So that you could live this life and be the best person you could be.

You might feel like everyone's second choice,
You're always that one person who barely has a voice
But there's Someone up there who will always pick you first,
When you feel the need for something, it's only Him who will quench the thirst.

He listens to every word that you utter,
When you are lost, in Him you will find shelter,
Just trust in Him and He will answer every prayer,
He is our Almighty, Loving Father.

Forget those fake friends or that guy who will never notice you,
Because in God you are complete, cleansed and totally renewed,
That heart of yours will be filled with so much bliss,
When you stop leaning to your understanding but start trusting in His.

Don't let doubts and insecurities stop you from fulfilling your purpose,
Because He is greater than those so stop being ridiculous,
Whatever may come your way, He made that happen,
So believe that you'll be happy, guided and enlightened.

I want this certain friend to read this because she's going through something. Jovian, this is a message for you.

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