How I Started a Relationship with God

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1. I found a good church

This is super important because it is really nice to find people who have the same beliefs and who would motivate you to get closer to God. One of the main catalysts in my decision to have relationship with God is being a part of a nice spiritual family. Plus, it's actually fun even for antisocial people like me.

2. Pray and pray and pray and pray

When you speak to God, speak to Him like He's one of your best friends, your confidante. I mean, He knows everything about you already and it's really nice to express your feelings to Him. From our One2One sessions, I learned that it's important to be specific in praying so the answer will also be specific. Be detailed. Don't think that talking to Him is a waste of time because why would you think that way when you actually spend most of your time on useless things.

3. Read His word

This is one of my struggles but I still read and somehow, it helps. If you are still struggling on reading the bible, you could read one verse at a time and reflect on it. Take your time because it is not a race. I also downloaded a devotion app and I read it every night. Find someone you could read the bible with so it will be more fun.

3. Worship like nobody's watching (up to now I still do)

I used to hold back in raising my hand and feeling the song but I came across a pin on Pinterest and it said "worship like nobody's watching". As soon as I read that I realized that I actually should. I'm worshipping for God alone and so I should stop thinking about what people would think (though I feel happy whenever people say that they like the way I worship coz that means I'm a good example). It's therapeutic to worship even just at home. I'd play some Hillsong or Lauren Daigle or Every Nation hits and sing along and cry because of the Holy Spirit's presence. It's so wonderful!

4. I accepted Jesus in my heart

I tried to accept Jesus twice but it didn't really have that much effect on me. It was on the third time that I took it seriously. So if you're having the same problem, don't worry you'll be able to overcome that. Remember to fully surrender :)

5. Seek God

In every single day of your life, seek Him. Follow His ways and make sure that every step leads you to Him.

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