That Season

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One thing that God has impressed on me is that the right person will come at the right season and I have honestly never been this contented all my life!

But before I have been this contented, I went through seasons where I let the lies of the enemy deceive me and if you are going through that season too, this is for you.

Maybe you feel unloved. Maybe some of you like this guy who does not feel the same. Maybe some of you feel unappreciated by the people around you. Maybe some of you do not feel beautiful just because people around you won't say it. Maybe some of you feel unqualified. And you feel empty.

I go through seasons in my Christian life where I just don't realize how filled I actually am in Christ. I forget that He is more beautiful than anyone else in this world.

Feeling empty, lonely, incomplete, not good enough, a waste of space,angry to God, being full of doubt means that the enemy is attacking you and trying to cloud your vision to make you feel like you are still living in darkness and not walking in the light of God.

And if you feel that way, then in Jesus' name, I rebuke those lies and cast them to the pit where they belong! You belong to Christ and not to the enemy, remember that.

The Spirit of God is of power, love and sound mind -not confusion,not emptiness,not sorrow.

Whenever you feel like you are still living in darkness, open the bible and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to a verse that will speak to you.

His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. If we don't spend enough time reading His word, then we will believe in the lies that the enemy is feeding us and we will feel like we are still living in darkness -when in fact we are living in freedom!

If we walk in darkness, we will also share this darkness to the people around us. We will act mean,irritated,insulting and we will misrepresent Christ to others. Walk in His light and spread that light for that light can not be hidden, that light can change a person's life and that light is Christ's light. When you shine that light to others they are knowing God, too!

Ask God to open your eyes to see the beauty in His command. Those negative feelings I enumerated above just indicate that we have to level up our relationship with God because most of the time, we think that we will only find joy in worldly relationships and material things, we will think that we are bound to be miserable forever. But when we seek and delight in the Lord, we will see how we do not need the things of this world to sustain us, and our heart's desires will be aligned with His will. The Lord is our Shepherd, we lack no good thing!If we do not allow God to guide us, and if we drink more of this world than of the Living Water, then we will desire the wrong relationships, wrong goals, wrong whatnot. That Living Water will flow more in your life if you spend more time with Him and that just brings so much beautiful change in a person's life.

Ask Him to chisel away what needs to be removed from you, for He is your Sculptor and He will continue the good work that He has started in you.

Just remember that you are loved and in whatever season, God is still God and He thinks about you a lot.

God bless ya!

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