#prayforchange: prayer chain

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Hello everyone! This is part of the #PrayForChange campaign started by our bro in Christ  I am By the way, I am sorry for the lack of update due to the reason that Wattpad hardly saves my drafts and when I try to fix it, it just doesn't work out so I'm praying that this chapter will be published without any problem. These errors occur because I've switched devices three times and I'm currently using a laptop to write another chapter, so if you've been through the same situation and got that problem solved -pretty please help ya sister out.


You guys have probably noticed how many major tragic events had been reported all over the world in the past week.  The enemy has stolen, killed, destroyed and instilled so much fear among so many people but I do know that the Lord is restoring and healing right now.

I have to be honest, where I live, we are currently under the martial law because in one of the provinces here, the government forces are currently combatting a terrorist group that has pledged allegiance to the ISIS . I can't help but get paranoid even though our province is like hours away, but yesterday the pastor reminded us that God has given us a spirit of power, love and sound mind -not fear. As His sons and daughters, we have to pray and worship instead of worry and rant. The battle has been won, we have to stop living as if we are defeated.

If you're from Victory or if you want to take part in this, you could read this letter from our pastor to check the prayer points and join in the prayer chain:

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How beautiful would it be  if we guys actually act and support each other like a family. We're all brothers and sisters in Christ so let's keep praying and fellowshipping with one another.

What you guys have to do:

-comment your prayer requests ( it could be for yourself, your loved ones, your country, the church, a person you are discipling or at least want to reach out, etc.)

-check out other people's prayer requests and pray for them

We will be doing this for three days starting from tomorrow Monday until Wednesday

I have to remind you though that your flesh will not always oblige. We're going to get tempted to not pray, but when we don't feel like praying we should keep praying until we get used to it. First few minutes will be difficult, but keep going. God wants all of us to grow in a relationship with Him where we crave talking to Him.

so go comment your prayer requests :)

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