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Before I share a really lovely verse to you, let me tell you about two of my biggest insecurities.

I have always been insecure of my body mainly because I am larger than most girls and because of the stretch marks I have all over my arms, thighs, behind my knee, shoulders, etc. which I got after a sudden weightloss. I dread going to a ball or prom because that means I have to wear gowns most of which would show my stretchmarks. I don't wear sleeveless tops or short shorts.  Although I have prayed for an awesome future husband,  used to think that no guy would love me because I have an ugly body. I dread changing clothes in the girls' changing room for the same reason. When people ask about my stretch marks, I get really embarassed because they look hideous. Looking at my photos from 2014-2015 makes me cringe.

But now that I have started a relationship with God, I realize that these things are stupid. I still know that I am not perfect, I still have insecurities and my stretchmarks still bug me but I know that we must start looking at things from a biblical perspective and not from ours. You're probably familiar with this verse:

Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

We should stop dwelling on our insecurities and start listening to the message that God is telling us in this verse: each and everyone of us is uniquely beautiful.  Yes, you will never look like that other girl because you are you and God made you that way for a reason. Stop comparing yourself to others because you were made by God to be special in your own way. Plus, God is the most skilled artist ever, do You think He is not capable of creating something beautiful?

The verse uses the term "fearfully"  and that doesn't mean God was scared of you but rather, it means you were made to be respected. If someone makes you feel ugly, do not listen to them because their perspective is worldly and you deserve respect . You should be treated with respect because God made you wonderfully.

The other term is "wonderfully". You are unique and beautiful.  You have no clone and that makes you special. Yes, you will never look like them but they will never look like you either. When God says you're wonderful, He means it and it is the truth. So dust off those negative thoughts in your mind that tell you you are ugly, fat or not good enough because the King of Kings Himself said you are wonderful.

Why base your self-worth on society's standards of beauty when God believes that you are deserving and awesome to the point that He let Jesus Himself die on the cross for you so that you could live? You're beautiful and remember that.

If someone or something in your head tells you you are ugly or not good enough, tell Satan: "I'm sorry but I am not going to believe in your lies because God Himself said that I was made fearfully and wonderfully. "

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