You Think the Bible Doesn't Make Sense?

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In my older chapter, I shared some tips on reading the bible for beginners and in this chapter,  I'm going to tell you its importance.


Understand that the bible is not just a book printed with random words and stories. The Bible is God's word. It contains His promises and the answers to our questions. It is divine and it is what He wants to tell us. It contains His will and plans for your life and not reading it because "it is boring" is falling into the evil's trick.

If you do not have a relationship with God,  you won't really understand a thing about it. But if you do, though it's message may not always be clear to you, but somehow, you will see that it is important.

Here's an analogy: your crush wrote a book and so did some random person. Which book would you buy, that of your crush or that of a random person? Of course of your crush because you know him, right? That's the same with reading the bible, you will love it more and more as you grow in your relationship with God and know Him better.  It will not always be easy for you, but believe me, you will love it as the journey progresses.

A reader with the username "dragonsnaps" (shoutout to you!) told me that in order to know what God is telling us, we don't really have to hear Him but we get to know He talks to us through the Bible and it is true.

The bible should be our standard in all aspects of life. The problem is, we are becoming too worldly that we follow worldly standards without realizing that it should be God that we are following and not the people. What the bible says is wrong, is wrong. What the bible says we should do, we should do.

I have this insecurity where I find it hard to share a verse because I always forget which chapter it came from or which book. But after reviewing my One2One Discipleship Guide for the coming retreat,  I came across a powerful statement: It is not about how much we know the bible but how much we obey. Yep. No need to be an "expert" because what you need to be is become a "follower".

Lastly, we should remember that Christianity is not just a religion but a relationship with God and the key to a healthy relationship is communication.  We get to talk to Him through prayer and He gets to talk to us through the bible. If you're praying for something right now, go open the bible because God badly wants you to open it so that He could also do the talking and let you know of His plans.

If you  have a bible, you're blessed. I do not have one and I'm just using an app but I'm planning to save up for one because our bibles are torn and missing lots of pages . What are you waiting for? Go open that Bible now!

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