How God Speaks to Us

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God can speak to you in many ways, not just in an audible way. While some can literally hear God, many people (like me) can't -so this chapter's for us. He can speak to us through:

1.) The Bible

It's very important to read it because it is the living word of God -the absolute, definite truth and the ultimate standard of life. Before you start reading, especially when you're going through something or uncertain about a certain matter, pray that God will lead you to a chapter or even a verse where He would speak to you, clarify your uncertainties and give you assurance. Read a few chapters everyday, it's your daily dose of spiritual vitamins and you're gonna be weak and sick without it!

2.) Other People

It's true! When I speak to other people, God sometimes speaks to me through them and it's amazing. God can use anyone and it's a such a blessing to be His instrument so pray that He will anoint you and speak through you to touch people's lives. I've heard testimonies of people who used to not have a relationship with God and go through stuff and all of a sudden a friend from long ago messages them in Facebook, invites them for fellowship and to make the long story short, God would reveal Himself to them!

3.) Songs, quotes, articles and other random stuff

It's sometimes weird how when we're in doubt whether we should do something or not and all of a sudden, you would see some billboards and stuff saying you should do it or a song saying exactly what you want to hear or you just get this weird feeling of pressing a link you were sent at like three a.m. and you discover something that God wants you to know. Trust me, it's not always just your instincts, it's God Himself leading you. God speaks in many ways, and sometimes, it's gonna be in an unusual way but if it's God speaking it's more than awesome!

4.) Thoughts

Yep. That major lightning bolt moment and you're like wow. God can communicate to us through thoughts. God Himself will clarify it to you. He is amaziiiiing!

But remember...

>God only tells you to do stuff that is good so if you think what you're being told to do is something bad then it's not God speaking to you.

>Things don't happen accidentally, God has a purpose behind everything. Everything that happened in your life -both the good and the bad- are all part of God's plan for you.

>Before coming into conclusion and stuff, pray to God for guidance and to guard your thoughts from the enemies because the emotions and the thoughts are their easiest target and you absolutely need God's help in all circumstances.

>Don't get frustrated if God doesn't speak to you and make stuff happen right away, God has His own perfect timing for everything :)


By the way, school just started last week and I'm really busy with academics, extra-curricular activities, family and spiritual life. I'll try to balance everything with God's help and of course try to update when I have time.  If you need prayers or want to share something, I'm always here :)


God is with you!

-Marielle <3

T O     G O D   B E     T H E   G L O R Y . . .

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