How to Overcome Sexual Temptations

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So someone messaged me a question here in Wattpad (it's not the exact words but pretty much the same thought):

I am a Christian but lately, I am having really sexual thoughts and I feel like there are temptations around me. Am I a freak for having these kind of thoughts? How do I overcome this? Btw, I am 14.


First of all, I'd like to appalud you for being brave enough to ask that question *virtual applause*

You said you're 14, right? It's really normal to experience stuff like that because your body is starting to mature and because of the hormones. It's not just boys who have increased sex drive. You'll also start getting curious.

It's more common than you think it is so don't be embarassed. Since temptations are everywhere, as much as possible, do your best to avoid them.

1. AVOID/ BLOCK pornography sites, erotica, songs about sex or pictures that could make your imagination go wild and make your sexual urge stronger.


3. FIND SOMEONE TO TALK TO. Just talk about random stuff like pizza, your dog or whatever. It's less likely for you to start doing kinky stuff if people are around coz that would be embarassing.

4. If you have a boyfriend, DO NOT TEMPT EACH OTHER. You might end up doing stuff you'll eventually regret. Also, SET YOUR LIMITATIONS. Like, just pop it randomly in your conversation and if he loves you and if he is a man of God, he will respect you.

5. PRAY TO GOD TO HELP YOU OVERCOME THE TEMPTATION. Pray sincerely and promise Him that you will do your best to avoid this temptation. He is more powerful than these struggles.

> If you truly LOVE GOD, you will AVOID the things that you know will hurt Him
> Falling into these temptations will not benefit you anything.
> YOU have the POWER to say "NO!" to these temptations.
> GOD is GREATER than this temptation!

God bless, girl!

-Marielle <3

From a Christian Girl's PerspectiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang