The Truths About Social Media

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Before we begin, I'd like to say that this chapter isn't about hating social media. This chapter just exposes the truth behind how people use it. Personally, I think social media has it's bad side BUT it also has its GOOD SIDE. Through it, you get to communicate with loved ones who are away, share about the Gospel, make new friends (shoutout to my Wattpad friends!) and so many more!

Okaaaaay. I'm done rambling.


#1) People only post the "most exciting" things going on in their lives on social media.

I would sometimes scroll through Facebook and wonder why people seemed to have "perfect" lives until I realized that people totally wouldn't post their financial problems, conflicts and other embarrassing stuff there. I thought they were so blessed because while we were struggling financially, others would go on a shopping spree, share photos of their vacations abroad and post about their new car and other stuff but I realized that nobody lives a "perfect life". However,despite life's imperfections, we  must remember that we are all blessed and loved by God.

#2) Your number of likes, retweets and followers does not determine your value because your value depends on how God sees you.

Yup. It sounds so cliche but it's totally true. To be honest, there are times when I post something and when I don't get many likes, I would feel like taking it down. But honestly, does it really matter? Nope. Okay, nobody liked my photo but that doesn't mean I'm ugly (God made all of us wonderfully). It's just that I totally couldn't please everyone but it's okay because as long as it doesn't hurt other people and if my post glorifies God, then yay!!!

#3) A selfie is okay but narcissism isn't.

Google defines the word "narcissism" in psychology as  "extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type."

I think it's okay to take a selfie because it means you're confident about yourself and you appreciate how God made you look like. However, some people take selfies as an opportunity to fetch compliments. What is sad about this is that people would find their security on others' opinions and not in how God sees them.

#4)Some of the stuff posted there are dishonest, superficial and worldly.

I feel extremely sad because some people only focus on the superficial things like physical appearance. Or some would comment things that are not true to flatter people without thinking that flattery is a sin. People would post stuff that are worldly and when you usually see these things, you would think they are okay because you have gotten used to seeing them. Romans 12:12 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."

#5) It becomes a place for competition.

People would present themselves as this and that and others would do the same. People would brag about this and that and people would hate them. You would feel insecure because someone is this and that and this leads to jealousy. But guess what, we don't need to compete because we are all equal. Social media is okay but it really depends on how people use it.

#6)Social media is good because it helps you communicate with other people -but it also takes away your time for communicating with God.

I have to admit that there are times when I would rush praying to God and reading His word because I couldn't wait to check my notifications. Thank God, I am getting over this because I realized that studying His word makes me a hundred billion times more fulfilled than doing anything else. Talking to God and reading His word brings you closer to God. Remember that our God wants to be loved above all things and spending more time on other things means that we love these things more than we love Him. If you're feeling down right now, turn off your gadget, read His word and pray to Him because only in Him can you find the solution to everything.

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