20 Things that God Taught Me in 2016

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1.) No matter how unqualified you may feel, when God calls you for a specific task, He will provide the grace for you to fulfill it.

2.) Our actions should honor God as much as we honor Him with our lips.

3.) All the isolation, all the betrayals, all the pains inflicted by this world will be worth it -because they mold us to be more like Jesus which is such a HUGE privilege.

4.) Even the most annoying people are super valuable in God's eyes. Jesus died for them, too and they deserve to be treated with love regardless of what they have done.

5.) Our comfort and security should come from God. When the rest of the world walked out on me, though I could not see God, He always gave me the comfort especially through His word. 

6.) My worldly desires will never help me grow. I should stop trying to be pleasing in people's eyes, instead, I should choose to please God.

7.) We must worship God not because we are good, but because God is so good and He deserves all praise and we must worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.

8.) Hate, insecurity, gossip, slander, etc are signs that someone may be hurting. So instead of hating back the people who have offended us, let us pray for them.

9.) Salvation is not about what we have done, but about what JESUS DID ON THE CROSS. We are unworthy, but by His blood we are made worthy.

10.) There's still so many people out there who need to know about God. Seize the opportunity to share the gospel to them.

11.) The best thing we could ever share to a person is God's good news of salvation, because salvation will determine one's fate for eternity.

12.) Trials and difficulties are exciting because when these happen, God is going to do something super duper amazing. It may take time, but be still and know that He is God.

13.) We should pray from a position of victory! Even before you encounter the battle, our Victorious King already has a way out.

14.) Apart from Him, I am nothing but through Him, I can do all things.

15.) The Word of God is super duper powerful. In fact, during a spiritual warfare, we should quote scriptures because when we do, we are proclaiming God's superiority and we are confronting the demons with the Truth.

16.) Start your day with a prayer! Give praise to Him, ask for forgiveness and thank Him for everything. As soon as I wake up, some of the things I ask from God is to consecrate me, direct my paths, and align my desires with His. 

17.) Reading the bible is very important but there maybe times when we struggle to understand it. Tip: before reading the bible, ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you to understand the message. Study the bible, but if you have tons of home works to do, write at least one bible verse which spoke to you in a journal. 

18.) Counter worry by thanking and praising God.

19.) If the Holy Spirit tells you something, listen and obey!

20.) If someone has a prayer request, stop saying, "I will pray for you" then actually forget to do so. Lay hands on them and pray for them on the spot!

21.) Look for a church that is not lukewarm. Look for a church that is on fire for God, has fellowship, has true worship, has bible-based teachings, because a lukewarm church will not help you grow.

22.) One of the best ways to disciple is by being kind to people and showing love to them, because when we do, we are showing them Who God is.

23.) If we do not have a strong relationship with God, we will be desiring (and even possibly give in to this desire) for a relationship with the wrong person for the wrong reason.

24.) There's no temptation we can not handle, but when we do encounter temptations, pray and quote scriptures.

25.) God is not yet done with the amazing things that He is doing.

26.) As our walk with God deepens, the battles will be bigger. But do not ever fear, for the Lord our God is fighting for us.

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