Will I Be Saved Despite My Sinful Past?

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Before we begin, I would like to say that I have the lyric video of a song that is so perfect for this chapter. Listen to it!

I have to confess something: I did not go to church for eight years and did not have a relationship with God. In those years, I felt like being saved was too impossible for me because I am a sinner and even if I tried to change for the better, I thought that my sins were too unforgivable. There was a time when I entered depression and thought about suicide,  I also got into worldly music and idols, had frequent arguments with my parents and just took God for granted and did many other bad stuff. However, all of these changed when I got to know God!


1. God does not look at sin as too big or too small. A sin is a sin and it just hurts God and separates us from Him. But do not worry if you have lived a sinful life before because if you seek Him, you will be renewed and forgiven.
2. If you actually love God,  you will start avoiding sin because you will strive to please Him in everything that  you do. If you say you do go to church or pray a lot, it still wouldn't make sense if you  continuosly do things that you know are not good in His eyes.
3. Though all of us are sinners, God still loves all of us equally but He will be happier if we strive to live according to His word.

Read these and reflect...

◆“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

◆“You have put all my sins behind your back.” Out of sight. God no longer “sees” me as a slave of my sins. He sees  the righteousness that Jesus has given to me. Isaiah 38:17

◆“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” God lovingly chooses not to remember our sins. They are now completely erased. That is how gracious He is. Isaiah 43:2

◆“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1

To conclude this chapter, I'd like to give the answer to the question slash title and that is "YES". If you genuinely seek Christ and follow His commands,rejoice!  Jesus has died on the cross for me and you to give us eternal life. Forget about your past and start focusing on the wonderful present as well as the future that you have with Him because you have been saved by Jesus :)

Looking forward for when we see each other in Heaven!

-Marielle Felio <3

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