A Very Short Testimoy

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It was around 11 something in the evening when I updated another chapter in this book about tips on reading the bible and after that, I proceeded in reading the bible. At that time, I turned off the internet. After reading the bible, I prayed and told God everything. I was just rambling but it still made sense and one of my prayers was to let God use me as an instrument (particularly here in Wattpad and that what I write is what will touch people or what people need). After the prayer (12:50), I opened Wattpad and I found in the notification that dxsciple13 commented about how she needed the chapter and was inspired and I gasped and my jaw dropped because of how amazed I was of how fast God answers prayers.

He used me as an instrument and He also used dxsciple13 as an instrument because her comment made me realize that God actually answered my prayer. So fast. Like, while I was praying and the wifi was disabled, it all happened. GOD, YOU ARE SO AMAZING!

So if you are reading this, pray to God that you will have the boldness, the determination, the willingnes and that He will set your heart on fire to become His instrument. What I did was simple: I just wrote a new chapter. What dxsciple13 did was simple: she commented. But it made me realize that it wasn't a coincidence but it was another one of my prayers answered by God.

I know many of you are actually instruments as well: you may write in Wattpad or serve at church or share prayers with the family or friends -these are simple things, but through these simple things you get to be the Almighty God's instrument and you should be proud of that.

Be blessed, angels!

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