Love 'Em or Hate 'Em? Love 'Em.

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 With all the things that had happened in the last few weeks, God has taught me so many things  and one of them is: no matter what happens, choose to love.

34 I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.35 This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."  -John 13: 34-35

There will be times in our lives when loving others would be so  difficult for us, but remember, we are called to love one another. We are called to forgive. We are called to shine His light to the darkest places.

The answer to hate is love. Hating the haters will never teach them to love. Those people who hate are those who are in need of love the most. People hate because they hurt. 

Remember that you are blessed and you must also be a blessing to others -even to those who hurt you. You know who these people need? God. Show them love and make them realize that the reason why you could still afford to love them is because God has showed you love. Through your life, they will eventually know God.

Our emotions can control us, but whenever that happens -pray. And continue praying of course for those who are hating you. Try to know their side as well. Don't let pride consume you and make you think you've done nothing wrong and that you're innocent. We all make mistakes and we have to accept the fact that we made mistakes. Apologize. Repent to God and to one another Nothing's going to happen if you will not make an effort to talk things out. If the other person does not choose to apologize to you for his/her mistake even after the talk, still pray for them, show them kindness  and give them space. In God's time, everyone will heal. Stop holding on to the anger or the shame or the bitterness -for none of those will help you. Love. Love. Love. 

But I have to warn you this: don't expect people to be kind right away after you show them love. I tried, and yet after that, I still received hate. I admit it, still stings but I know deliverance, healing and restoration  will come in His time.It's going to take time, for many. But be patient and forgive. God has forgiven us so many times -why can't we do the same to others? When you have done all that you could do  to settle things, let go and let God handle everything.  "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."(Romans 8:28)

However, I am not saying that we should allow abuse. Love at all times but ask for guidance to know when you should get out of a toxic relationship. For me, people in a relationship should grow together , not stunt each other's growth -especially the spiritual. It's not a man's task to change a person, but God's. So if you're in one right now, talk to the person with kind yet sincere words and pray for each other. Do all things with love.

 Love 'em and above all, love Him. 

To God be the glory!

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