Hey guys!

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I'm so sorry because I haven't replied to your messages but I have read some of them and I am praying for y'all. Trust me, I love it so much when we talk but some things came up and I couldn't go online. For  one, my monitor, system unit, wifi, tablet and all the stuff I use to communicate just shut down by themselves and won't turn on anymore. I had to go to an internet cafe to write this chapter and though I badly want to, I couldn't reply to your messages because I have to pay for how long I use the computer. 

What you might be going through may be tough, confusing, disgusting but just believe that through Him, you can overcome all things. 'Coz where does your help come from? Your help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.  It may be overwhelming, but just keep praying and believing. I'm going through tough times, too and sometimes it's hard to act all positive but God will never leave us nor forsake us. That's a promise.

God bless you and I'm always praying for you.

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