Comparison, Approval & True Beauty

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I can be a superficial person. I'm not going to deny it. There was a time when I made fun of people's flaws and unknowingly hurting them (I know, I lacked compassion), but a bunch of things happened that really pruned that ugly and rotten part of me. He worked in me (and is continuing to do so) to make me more like Him.

Everyday, since the "pruning" happened, I pray for Him to let me see others through His eyes and just a few days ago, while I sat in front of my dad who was dozing off at the mall food court, I started to see more of how beautiful people are!

Looking at them, I saw how each of these people have their own stories to tell, have people whom they help and influence, have gone through so much and still continue to be strong and how incomparable they are.

I saw twin girls with cute pigtails smiling at me from the opposite table and the innocence and joy that they have is beautiful.  I see their potential to grow into God-fearing women who will touch the lives of so many lost people.

I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a hijab tagging her toddler who was having a tantrum along with her, but she stayed patient with him and instead of scolding him, she talked to him gently and lovingly -needless to say, the toddler calmed down. A mother's patience is beautiful.

I saw a dad who was wearing a ragged shirt with holes on it but he really made sure his daughter was wearing clothing that was new and he looked very happy just bonding and joking along with her. His selflessness is beautiful. The father-daughter relationship they have is beautiful.

If you observe, the first few words of the last four sentences state what my physical eyes have seen, but the next sentences following each of these is where you will see -no, scratch that -feel the true beauty.

Because beauty is not just seen but also felt.

A beautiful attitude of one person could warm the heart of another who has felt numb for years already.

The beautiful persistence of a friend to help her suicidal friend cope could touch that friend's heart and make her realize that the life he lives is actually worth living.

One thing I hate is comparison in terms of "prettiness", "intelligence" and "hotness". These things are so superficial and you honestly don't have to be any of these to be beautiful.

Why care way too much about how much people compliment you or whether or not you've been through the phase that the internet world calls "glo up"?

Whether you have flabby thighs or thigh gaps, double chin or prominent jawline, designer clothes or thrifted ones, YOU ARE STILL BEAUTIFUL AND NOTHING COULD EVER CHANGE THAT.

You need no "glo up" to glow, if you have Jesus in you, you will glow because of the Christ-love and positivity you exude!

Don't ever base your worth, your value, your beauty, your purpose off of what you see on social media, because I have personally experienced trying to find my validation off of what people say and think about me and I ended up feeling empty. I ended up feeling distant to God. I ended up being burdened by what people think of me.

Being a slave to the idol of approval is a bad thing to be.

So if you are making approval your "god", then I want you to know that you will never find joy in that. You could be relieved of your insecurities temporarily because people will say nice things about you -but then again, it's just a temporary fix.

It's like a harmful drug that will get you high and "happy" for some time but after that, back to misery. Back to the feeling of emptiness. Back to the reality of how broken you feel. Back to the feeling of not being good enough. Back to the feeling that you need it so much, and the more that you depend on it, the more that you are harming yourself.

So please, know that you are beautiful. Your beauty is beyond what the physical eye can see. You are more than who you think you are.

You were bought with a price, and I hope that as you see your worth, you get to see others' too and through your life, let them know that they are so beautiful and loved in God's eyes that He chose to die for them.



-Pray for God to give you eyes that see others the way He sees them.

-Remind an insecure person of his/her beauty and true worth in Christ.


Oh, and one last beauty tip:

Source: Today's Christian Woman

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Source: Today's Christian Woman

God bless you, beautiful!

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