some things to remember

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1.)Seize the opportunity to serve others because Jesus came not to be served but to serve and isn't He supposed to be our role model as Christ followers?

If you see someone who is having a hard time keeping up with the lessons at school, try sparing 10 minutes after class to help that kid study. Or hold the door for people. Organize outreach events with your friends at a local orphanage or elderly home. I'm sure you have more ideas in your head right now, let them happen. Seize the chance to serve and do it with love.

2.)Do all things for the glory of God.

Work not for people but for Him. Offer it to God. Make sure that your motivation behind doing something is for people to see Him and not put all the attention on you. If your part in the worship team is to back-up vocals all the time, do it with all your heart because you want to honor Him. Come early to school because you want to honor Him with your time. If you want to do it for His glory, then you should also make sure that what you are doing is not wrong but God-honoring. If you cheat to get good grades, you know that is wrong, right? It doesn't matter how big or how small of a thing you're doing, what He is looking at is your heart. If you're sweeping the floor at church, do it as a form of worship. Even though you're off-tune, but if you're singing to express your love for God, then He is pleased. Study for your exams with faith and discipline because you want people to see God's excellence through your life. You can do it!

3.)Commit your works unto Him.

Commit your hard work at school to Him and your thoughts will be established. Put Him first and all things will work out no matter how many obstacles may come your way. You go, friends!

4.)Accept compliments but don't ever think that your identity is found in them.

Thank people for the compliment. Enjoy it while it lasts, but don't let it consume you. Don't allow yourself to have vainglory.  Stay humble and remember that your worth is not found on something temporary like a compliment but in Jesus who is eternal.

5.)Before doing something, think first if it's really worth doing.

Before saying something hurtful to a friend who hurt you, think first if  it's worth saying or not. Before going  way beyond the speed limit without wearing a  seatbelt, think first if it's really worth doing or not. I'm not telling people to live in fear but rather to live wisely because each person's life is precious and though many may not see it yet, each person's life has a purpose and a plan.

6.) Don't hesitate to pamper yourself after hustling way too much.

You deserve it! Enough said.

Okay, that's all for now :) God bless you, beautiful people!

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