Exciting Testimony!

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Is there anyone of you who is praying for a friend, a relative or someone you know to turn to God but feels as though it's too impossible? If yes, I want to encourage you with this testimony!


Last 2016, during a Worship Night at church, our pastor exhorted. He said something like, "God cares about the lost sheep."

He then told us to close our eyes and think about someone we know who seems too impossible to accept Jesus in his/her heart and claim in Jesus' name that that person will have a relationship with Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

When I closed my eyes, I thought about my uncle who is the youngest brother of my father. He grew up without a biological father because my grandpa died when he was little. In our family, I could consider him as the most rebellious, carefree one  who does extremely crazy things and although he knows about Jesus, he doesn't have a relationship with Him. I grew up not really close with him.

Fast forward on another Worship Night of March 2017, the entire congregation was worshipping God like crazy and the Spirit was moving. We were speaking in tongues and singing in the Spirit and people were tearing up. From afar (I get to see them because the Victory center we go to literally has no walls), I saw my uncle and my dad waiting for my mom and I to finish.

After the Spirit-filled Worship Night, I went to them and my dad was like, "Why don't you join them next sunday?" My uncle replied, "Okay. I'll try."

Deep inside, I was happy because my dad invited him but  I felt like he was not really interested in joining the service.

Sunday came and I was at the center early. I saw no trace of my uncle. I went on rehearsing with the rest of the Music Team when all of a sudden, my uncle arrived!

He was welcomed by churchmates who were so warm and friendly despite the fact that they just met him. They talked about basketball and all the things my uncle loved and of course, had fellowship with him and on our way home, my uncle told my mom and I that the message really spoke to him as he is on the process of jobhunting and that he really prayed for a job when we were praying at the service (a few weeks later, someone presented to help him find a job!). More Sundays passed by and he kept attending.

It's crazy because up to now I can really see how my uncle is spiritually hungry. The amazing thing is our pastor himself volunteered as his One2One mentor in this discipleship journey and even though he hasn't known them for a long time, he enjoys the fellowship because of the love of God that the church exudes.

Our pastor even watched my uncle's band join our city's Battle of the Bands and the very first thing that my uncle asked when he saw him was,"When will we start the One2One?" Like, wow, he was so eager to know God more and this sunday, they will be talking about Salvation and he will be accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. I can't help but be overwhelmed.

My uncle and I are closer now and he is really open into getting water baptized (and he has no idea what baptism of the Holy Spirit is like yet but I'm sure he'll be) this May and I can't help but notice the changes in him and even as early as now, he is humbler and gentler like wow. I can already see the changes in his life. Lord, You are so amazing and good!

And I'm certain that God will be using him to reach out to the other musicians in our city because he is part of our city's musician association. Our pastor saw how lost the people are in the music industry is in here and they will be reaching out other musicians very soon.  As early as now, I am already praising God for His pleasing and perfect plan. God is moving and is alive!

No person is too lost, too broken for the love of Jesus.  He cares about that one person you are praying for, too. In His perfect timing, your prayers will be answered. Claim it in Jesus' name!


Hello beautiful, redeemed people! I haven't been around because these last few months had been hectic (my flesh failed so many times and I felt so done with life). I just moved up from junior high to senior high two days ago and by God's grace, I was able to thrive and earn a 100% scholarship to the senior high school I'm going to. Guys, if you feel like giving up, I got a spoiler: Jesus has won it all for you and at the end of that chapter, you will emerge as the winner :)



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